It won’t be worse because then he did not harass women and sexually abuse them. But it would be a very sick sick publicity stunt..
Yes, it would be worse.
Armie traumatizing (and abusing) a lot of women is one thing (a bad thing, mind you),
but for multiple women (including 2 VERY famous exes) to actually come forward and speak up (which is a very hard struggle on it's own) is in a whole different level.
It empowers a lot of women, and any persons of abuse, to come forward to shed light to hopefully end the abuse.
After the MeToo movement a lot of hollywood bigshots were exposed and because of it more and more voices are given the chance to be heard.
That is a game-changer in our world, even though a lot of women (and any persons of abuse, but especially women) have been facing and have known this phemenon all their lives, the empowerment of the movement gave women their voices and made society listen.
If we are living in a different era; 10, 15, 20 years ago, the gravity of this scandal wouldn't have been nearly as impactful as it is now.
An "alleged" victim's claims wouldn't hold as much, and so the other victims won't be empowered or given voices.
So this Armie Hammer allegations is HUGE, and is influenced by the movement and the Socio-cultural shift that we are experiencing.
And then it's all a publicity stunt?
This would set the movement back,
it would cause a major backlash with women in general, and these women are not cray-cray to participate in such publicity stunt for a movie or something.
So yeah, it would be worse.
If the allegations turn out to be 100% legit, then Armie (and maybe his family) will be affected.
And that's sad.
Personally, I'm saddened for/of them.
But if it is, what you're saying, a "publicity stunt" then... I think I stressed it too much already: It's unlikely.
Unlikely a publicity stunt.
There's only 2 possibilities.
1.) The allegations are true. Armie Hammer IS what the story says.
2.) The allegations are lies by bitter exes.
I think it's 1, but we'll see.