I was into this dude for a very short amount of time..
The videos are wack.. They're all the same shit, just dry, boring, jerk offs that show the same view every single time,
His dick isn't near nice enough for this to last much longer if he doesn't spice up the content QUICK.
Dudes a lame. So are his vlogs. So is his merch.
Thanks for this. He scammed me out of like $8 and I was super pissed about it, can’t imagine having wasted even more money on his dumb ass. His dick is not bad with the full body shots, even kinda big, but those jerk off videos are so fucking bad and his dick looks so small with the angle. Embarrassing.
lol. Yea.. it's the same boring ass angle.. In silence.. Dry as fuck.. lol
I’m confused how he’s a scammer ? No one’s forcing you to buy anyone’s only fans content let alone his !! These are done by choice ! You got curious and paid to see what he was posting/sending out ! And it’s totally done because straight guys like him know people like you are gonna buy into whatever they are selling to fulfill that straight guy fantasy !
I’m confused how he’s a scammer ? No one’s forcing you to buy anyone’s only fans content let alone his !! These are done by choice ! You got curious and paid to see what he was posting/sending out ! And it’s totally done because straight guys like him know people like you are gonna buy into whatever they are selling to fulfill that straight guy fantasy !
well it looked like you finally read the initial post and saw the reasons, along with evidence on why he is a scammer. DOn't go off assuming victims of a scam are at fault. please evaluate yourself on why you feel the need to automatically assume this.

For ease of reference, I have linked the thread with the evidence here. Next time I'll just put everything all here in this forum. Austin Wallace is a scammer
I’m confused how he’s a scammer ? No one’s forcing you to buy anyone’s only fans content let alone his !! These are done by choice ! You got curious and paid to see what he was posting/sending out ! And it’s totally done because straight guys like him know people like you are gonna buy into whatever they are selling to fulfill that straight guy fantasy !
He sends the same PPV videos out over and over again without a preview or a warning that its the same content. That's pretty scammy behavior.
He sends the same PPV videos out over and over again without a preview or a warning that its the same content. That's pretty scammy behavior.
And he’s not the only dude doing this ! Hence why I won’t buy straight guys content cause most are lazy and just change the caption on them so we’re tricked into thinking it’s new content
well it looked like you finally read the initial post and saw the reasons, along with evidence on why he is a scammer. DOn't go off assuming victims of a scam are at fault. please evaluate yourself on why you feel the need to automatically assume this.

For ease of reference, I have linked the thread with the evidence here. Next time I'll just put everything all here in this forum. Austin Wallace is a scammer
He may be a scammer but only fans allows it also if you got scammed once by him why would you continue to buy his content ! Also to your comment on your other thread if you’re subbing to a straight guy you might have a straight guy fantasy !
He may be a scammer but only fans allows it also if you got scammed once by him why would you continue to buy his content ! Also to your comment on your other thread if you’re subbing to a straight guy you might have a straight guy fantasy !
no shit sherlock. gay guys have fantasies about hooking up with straight guys? There's like a billion threads on them on LPSG if you havent noticed.

why the hell are you even on this thread if you're going to side with the SCAMMER of all people. I bought his content before he scammed me. it was only after he didn't live up to his side of the bargain that is IMPLIED WITH EVERY SALE WHETHER IT BE ONLY FANS CONTENT OR PHYSICAL MERCHANDISE FROM AMAZON! No one goes into a store expecting to be scammed for crying out loud. What the hell is wrong with you
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