Unless they're attractive no one cares, they tried to cover representation in this one and it flopped.
I agree on both fronts - I think they need older guys, closer to 30, and I think they need big personalities that will deliver on interpersonal drama without necessarily being drama queens - but I also think they need conventionally attractive, basically tall muscular guys à la Love Island to really get a bang for their buck.
Not sure if they need muscular guys. I think a mix is good, plenty of guys are attractive and lean. I just think setting a minimum bar at 30s would have guys going in knowing what a relationship is and having a better idea what they’re looking for.

I liked a lot of the guys from the first season but you could tell half of them had barely had a proper relationship before.
I agree on both fronts - I think they need older guys, closer to 30, and I think they need big personalities that will deliver on interpersonal drama without necessarily being drama queens - but I also think they need conventionally attractive, basically tall muscular guys à la Love Island to really get a bang for their buck.
Ohh absolutely and let me be clear just in case I didn't articulate myself properly. 20, 30, 40 or even 50 it doesnt matter the age of the guy just as long as he's conventionally hot it doesnt matter. Because this notion you're only attractive in your 20's isnt true lol.
Thing is, the Traitors UK kind of proved normal people DOES make good (if not better) tv.

If they do another gay male season I’d like to see the contestants in their 30s and 40s for a better representation.
Im really hoping that they do do another male season:emoji_fingers_crossed:
Not sure if they need muscular guys. I think a mix is good, plenty of guys are attractive and lean. I just think setting a minimum bar at 30s would have guys going in knowing what a relationship is and having a better idea what they’re looking for.

I liked a lot of the guys from the first season but you could tell half of them had barely had a proper relationship before.
I agree, most of the guys in the first season felt like boys, not men, and getting guys that are ready to settle down would be a plus - but I think if we want entertaining TV we will still need a range of emotional maturity levels and motivations, because there will be no show without conflict.
Let’s be honest, the bar was very low with the boys they did select but it was an unknown series at the time so they were guinea pigs. Now it’s been televised and talked about, thousands more eligible gay men will want to apply if they make another
Yeah society has real issue with male sexuality and male preferences. I honestly dont get it, they cant hide behind religion either because I come from a religious background and again its only men sleeping with other men that's the problem.
Same, My Dad deeply despises gay + bi men not women weirdly. It's never bothered me its just so weird especially when 99% of the time is has fuck all to do with you. People in general are being a lot more hostile toward the gay community. I dont think they people care about gay palatiblility because theyre just saying its all indoctrination + it being woke lmao.
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Same, My Dad deeply despises gay + bi men not women weirdly. It's never bothered me its just so weird especially when 99% of the time is has fuck all to do with you. People in general are being a lot more hostile toward the gay community. I dont think they people care about gay palatiblility because theyre just saying its all indoctrination + it being woke lmao.
It’s just misogyny. A masculine woman is ok, and a woman doing something empowering (fucking another woman) is ok, but a feminine man, or a man doing something demeaning (fucking another man), they can’t stand that.
It’s just misogyny. A masculine woman is ok, and a woman doing something empowering (fucking another woman) is ok, but a feminine man, or a man doing something demeaning (fucking another man), they can’t stand that.
No i disagree it has nothing to do with misogyny at all because even a masculine man being gay or bi is hated by society. In fact being masculine myself I get mistaken for being straight all the time and most women hate masculine men they find attractive to be bi or gay they see it as a "waste".

I also disagree because this is a gay/bi mens problem. Saying its misogyny implies society hates women and femininity which isnt the case. It also takes away from the real issues we face in society that lesbians and bi women dont have to face.
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No i disagree it has nothing to do with misogyny at all because even a masculine man being gay or bi is hated by society. In fact being masculine myself I get mistaken for being straight all the time and most women hate masculine men they find attractive to be bi or gay they see it as a "waste".

I also disagree because this is a gay/bi mens problem. Saying its misogyny implies society hates women and femininity which isnt the case. It also takes away from the real issues we face in society that lesbians and bi women dont have to face.

Because even a masculine man being gay or bi is hated by society
A lot of Gays get really surprised by the vitrol spread by people online + in real life who despise gay people for their existence but that's becoming a very real problem. I dont think a ton of people have noticed but maybe I have moreso because I have a conservative family who pretty much have those views.

In the UK though it's moreso casual? LIke saying gays are this and that is like a yeah yeah that mames sense sort of thing. It was getting better but theres been a sharp switch in the oposite direction in the past 5 years. I dunno, it so stupid to hate gays lmao why even care what people have going on in the bedroom ?
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A lot of Gays get really surprised by the vitrol spread by people online + in real life who despise gay people for their existence but that's becoming a very real problem. I dont think a ton of people have noticed but maybe I have moreso because I have a conservative family who pretty much have those views.

In the UK though it's moreso casual? LIke saying gays are this and that is like a yeah yeah that mames sense sort of thing. It was getting better but theres been a sharp switch in the oposite direction in the past 5 years. I dunno, it so stupid to hate gays lmao why even care what people have going on in the bedroom ?
FACTS, I say this to people all the time to pay attention because we're still very much hated. Theres a lot of propaganda sounds dramatic but there is this notion that "gays" are taking over they're affecting our kids, they control the media they control fashion etc. My favourite one is theres more gays now then there was before lol. Its clearly all BS it's just society being homophobic

I'm bi and I'm masculine as I've said before I've noticed women like me until they find out I like men to. Then the gossiping and stares kick in
FACTS, I say this to people all the time to pay attention because we're still very much hated. Theres a lot of propaganda sounds dramatic but there is this notion that "gays" are taking over they're affecting our kids, they control the media they control fashion etc. My favourite one is theres more gays now then there was before lol. Its clearly all BS it's just society being homophobic

I'm bi and I'm masculine as I've said before I've noticed women like me until they find out I like men to. Then the gossiping and stares kick in
Bi dude here too lol so barely tolerable to my family. We mostly rib each other through banter but i know they mean it to the core lol especially with the rants etc. A lot of Gays stay in Gay only spaces and dont ralise how deeply homphobic society has actualy morphed into. It's also a joke and not a joke at the same time so calling it out makes you look "triggered" lmao.

A few mates of mine recently from manchester were just saying how theres no homophobia anymore only to be called all types of £$%" and "&$^$£" two weeks ago IN a gay bar by a couple of guys lol. oh well
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Priya, Ana, and Cara are my faves so far. I deeply believe if I was born a woman, I'd be a lipstick lesbian, maybe that's why I like the femmes more

(edit time ran out, sorry for double post)
the show is already a hit. We don’t need a bunch of white gym bros on season two.
Actually it wasn't otherwise we would have had a second season. And no one said we need a bunch of WHITE gym bros I said conventionally hot/attractive guys.

Seems like you're the one that associates good looks with white people. Sorry to have to tell you this but beauty exists in every RACE of people not just white people. And as for the gym comment sure let's play the delusional game and pretend a guy with with a great body isnt attractive lool

Facts are the majority of the guys that were casted on the first season were not attractive. And to prove my point once Matty was introduced everyone started to take more of an interest because susprise susprise he was hot.

P.s imagine making that gym comment and you have a banging dare I say sexy body yourself that V line wow