"bbc", "mandingo", Is It Racial Fetishization Of Black Men?

Absolutely. But the quote wasn't on "breeding" as such but on "breeding" hung men.

It's the last bit of the quote that sounds too ridiculous. It sounds like a gay teenage boy's wet dream or some lousy porn script written on the back of a napkin.

To me it sounds too much like a 21st century attempt to fetishise a 19th century practice.
I think the author was being facetious. However there was some validity to that statement to a degree. Slave owners were known to try to pair the biggest male slave with the biggest female slave with the idea that they would create some kind of super slave that could do more work. Slaves were inspected from head to toe as they stood nude on auction blocks and it was not unusual for slave buyers to touch and prod the slaves like they were inanimate objects. Slaves genitals were also inspected and handled without permission. Some of the ideas we have about penis size today are directly related to the past, primarily during slavery. A large penis is thought to represent great virility and that was believed in the past as it is today.
So when white men were the epitome of sexual attractiveness why wasn't that considered sexual objectification? But now that black men are now accepted as being sexually attractive it's all of a sudden a bad thing?

The difference between now and the past is that white people feel more comfortable expressing their desire and attraction to black men. It's not just a fetish although for some it may be just like all other fetishes. Ever since forever white people had endure scorn and rejection among their peers and family, especially white women if they expressed their desire to be with a black man. She may well be very attracted to a black man not just physically but also to his mind and personality but had to repress those feelings because she knew it was not acceptable.

I think it's foolish to think that when a person sees a black man they find attractive the first thing they're thinking about is the size of his penis. Like anyone else they will notice his smile, laugh, build, looks, eyes and other physical traits that make us attracted to another person.

If there was anytime black men were sexually objectified is during slavery. Boys were not allowed to wear pants but only a long shirt that looked like a dress. This was an attempt to feminize him and emasculate him so he would be submissive as an adult. As they got older and more self conscience it also was to embarrass him. Most boys had to dress like this well into puberty.

Male slaves were also subjected to being raped and sexually assaulted as a form of punishment or for the slave owner's sexual gratification. This isn't as well known because no children were born as would be with female slaves. Homosexuality isn't anything new and white men who were homosexual satisfied their sexual desires by secretly having sex with slaves because they could never openly have a normal relationship with another male. This is sexual objectification, he was only used for sexual gratification and nothing else.
I think the author was being facetious. However there was some validity to that statement to a degree. Slave owners were known to try to pair the biggest male slave with the biggest female slave with the idea that they would create some kind of super slave that could do more work. Slaves were inspected from head to toe as they stood nude on auction blocks and it was not unusual for slave buyers to touch and prod the slaves like they were inanimate objects. Slaves genitals were also inspected and handled without permission. Some of the ideas we have about penis size today are directly related to the past, primarily during slavery. A large penis is thought to represent great virility and that was believed in the past as it is today.
Agree with this. Slaves were bred and the strongest male was used as a "buck" to impregnate females. Slaves were worth a lot of money and children were sold on the auction block. They would often have mommy and daddy standing next to the children as a sign of what they will be like when they are adults then take the child away from the mother to go with his new owner.

And yes the ignorant uneducated slave owners equated genital size to fertility. They not only looked at his genitals while he stood there completely nude in the open but they would also touch him and palm his scrotum to feel the weight and size of his testicles. Can you imagine how humiliating this was? This is sexual objectification to me. You're specifically choosing a black male because of his genitals and for sexual purposes.
Okay lets break this down because you are very much giving "A hit dog will holler."

So when white men were the epitome of sexual attractiveness why wasn't that considered sexual objectification? But now that black men are now accepted as being sexually attractive it's all of a sudden a bad thing?
Who created the standards of beauty? Answer that then rethink this statement and see why it is invalid. Nobody said finding black men sexually attractive is a bad thing. It is bad when it is based around something anatomical and not them as a human being.

The difference between now and the past is that white people feel more comfortable expressing their desire and attraction to black men. It's not just a fetish although for some it may be just like all other fetishes. Ever since forever white people had endure scorn and rejection among their peers and family, especially white women if they expressed their desire to be with a black man. She may well be very attracted to a black man not just physically but also to his mind and personality but had to repress those feelings because she knew it was not acceptable.
You are generalizing because although it seems that white people are more comfortable expressing these desires, it is still very much taboo in some parts of the country and in some parts of the world. Again if the attraction is genuine and not based on some perceived attribute that black men/women are thought to have based on a sexual fantasy then there is no issue with that attraction. I feel like you are gas lighting here and feeling the need to play victim. This is not an attack this is simply me trying to enlighten those that would like to be enlightened. If you feel attacked then I'm sorry. That says more about how you align concerning this topic and your are definitely one of the people that should be trying to gain insight.

I think it's foolish to think that when a person sees a black man they find attractive the first thing they're thinking about is the size of his penis. Like anyone else they will notice his smile, laugh, build, looks, eyes and other physical traits that make us attracted to another person.
Where in any of my commentary did I say that all attraction to black men was based on penis size? Unless you are in someone's head you will not know this anyway. My commentary is to those that do objectify black men in this way but I by no means think this is the case with all people of other races who are attracted to black men. The myth of the "BBC" or "Mandingo" comes with a lot of other harmful stereotypes that paint black men as hypersexual, hypermasculine, violent, aggressive, predatory, etc. These stereotypes were birthed during slavery but it was the porn industry that created the genre that seems to have taken on a life of it's own.

If there was anytime black men were sexually objectified is during slavery. Boys were not allowed to wear pants but only a long shirt that looked like a dress. This was an attempt to feminize him and emasculate him so he would be submissive as an adult. As they got older and more self conscience it also was to embarrass him. Most boys had to dress like this well into puberty.
This is not true. I think you are misquoting something and mixing up history. Slaves were provided clothes and it was not an attempt to emasculate them. If anything slave children were forced to grow up faster because they were put to work as soon as they could walk. Since when did slaveholder care about the feelings of their slaves and whether or not they were embarrassed? I really don't know where you were going with this tid bit of misinformation.

Male slaves were also subjected to being raped and sexually assaulted as a form of punishment or for the slave owner's sexual gratification. This isn't as well known because no children were born as would be with female slaves. Homosexuality isn't anything new and white men who were homosexual satisfied their sexual desires by secretly having sex with slaves because they could never openly have a normal relationship with another male. This is sexual objectification, he was only used for sexual gratification and nothing else.
It is actually very well known that male and female slaves were raped as well as the children of those slaves. It was for punishment and gratification on the slave owner's part. This is not new information my friend. There are slave narratives that were recorded and were first hand experiences of those that survived slavery who spoke of such incidents. This leads into another topic called "Buck Breaking" that is another topic in itself that is highly controversial.
Agree with this. Slaves were bred and the strongest male was used as a "buck" to impregnate females. Slaves were worth a lot of money and children were sold on the auction block. They would often have mommy and daddy standing next to the children as a sign of what they will be like when they are adults then take the child away from the mother to go with his new owner.

And yes the ignorant uneducated slave owners equated genital size to fertility. They not only looked at his genitals while he stood there completely nude in the open but they would also touch him and palm his scrotum to feel the weight and size of his testicles. Can you imagine how humiliating this was? This is sexual objectification to me. You're specifically choosing a black male because of his genitals and for sexual purposes.
You are redirecting the conversation about racial fetishism to slavery. While slavery plays a major part in the thoughts and ideas about black bodies, that is not what this conversation is supposed to focus on. We are mainly focusing on racial fetishism and why the "BBC" genre is problematic but is seemingly becoming acceptable due to ignorance about the implications that the term has.
I guess you're the hit dog since none of what I wrote was directed at you. It's simply my thoughts on the the topic of this thread. You seem to think that you are predominant expert on this topic and will try to belittle anyone who you think is disagreeing with you. In reality I actually agree with some of the things you wrote.

And sorry to burst your overinflated head but slave owners didn't provide their slaves with clothes. the slaves made their own clothes and only were allowed to wear what the slave owners deemed appropriate. And boys and girls wore the same long shirt and it was done to the boys to emasculate them to be more submissive.

Racial fetishism is deeply rooted in slavery so how can you possibly have a conversation about racial fetishism without discussin slavery. But thank you for telling all of us what we are to focus on and what we are allowed to discuss. Please continue.
I guess you're the hit dog since none of what I wrote was directed at you. It's simply my thoughts on the the topic of this thread. You seem to think that you are predominant expert on this topic and will try to belittle anyone who you think is disagreeing with you. In reality I actually agree with some of the things you wrote.

And sorry to burst your overinflated head but slave owners didn't provide their slaves with clothes. the slaves made their own clothes and only were allowed to wear what the slave owners deemed appropriate. And boys and girls wore the same long shirt and it was done to the boys to emasculate them to be more submissive.

Racial fetishism is deeply rooted in slavery so how can you possibly have a conversation about racial fetishism without discussin slavery. But thank you for telling all of us what we are to focus on and what we are allowed to discuss. Please continue.
Lol Wow. I'm not angry sir. You are. You have a lot of misinformation. You should site your sources because you are mixing histories and that is called "revisionist history" when you attempt to change the facts. Either way you are trying to defend something that is problematic but doing it under the guise that you are not by throwing in some historical tidbits. I'm done exchanging with you. You are obviously here to distract. Go troll elsewhere. We are having a serious conversation in this thread while you are here to cause trouble. Not on my time though. You are dismissed.
Lot's of great comments here. Good to see that people of other races are able to see how those terms are problematic. Unfortunately a lot of black men are unaware of how those words reduce them to nothing but a sexual object for other people's pleasure. I see many black men referring to themselves as "BBC" because it is so prevalent in porn and has become a term to quickly signify that they are black and possibly hung. The irony is that even black men that are not hung call themselves "BBC" because they know that it will get them attention. That begs to question what kind of attention do they want by referring to themselves as "BBC." Are they knowingly allowing others to objectify them? Do they hope to seek the attention of white and other non black people that are fetishists? So often we speak about people fetishizing black bodies but if I'm being honest I think a lot of black men in particular fetishize people of other races just as much. All of that is also due to brainwashing from slavery/colonialism as well. My main issue is that by calling yourself "BBC" it gives others permission to wield that term toward any and every black man in a sexual setting or on apps. They feel that by calling you a "BBC" they are giving you a compliment and it will stroke your ego. It's essentially giving permission to be reduced to nothing more than a penis.

I am now starting to see other forms of the term that are used for other races such as "BWC" (big white cock) and "BLC" (big latin cock) but the difference is that these terms are not rooted in a past that dehumanized those groups and not to mention those terms don't seem to be promoted as much in the porn industry.
The audacity you have to insinuate black men can't possibly understand that the term tends to fetishize themselves is rude as all hell. So what if it does?? If a man is black, and has a fat, lengthy schlong then why can't he call himself a BBC/has a BBC? Please don't speak for Black men and assume what we "do and do not realize". That's incredibly presumptuous. We're not stupid.

Edit: I failed to realize you are also a black male. While I can understand your frustration with the term, I can most definitely see where uour coming from, and as a black male myself, have learned about a lot of the roots of where this sort of fetishism comes from. But in my experience, let people be. It doesn't make someone "uneducated" to label themselves as BBC, and honestly idgaf if someone calls me one, as long as they aren't screaming "Yeah fuck me with your fat n-word cock!!" (Cause there's a lot of ppl like that out there)
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Again, this kind of discussion ended in the usual niche of african americans in the USA.
Not a problem per se, if was not for assuming that this is the reality for all black men over the world.
Also, I would avoid speaking for a whole group. Expecially when you imply that who don't agree with you is basically brainwashed.
So when white men were the epitome of sexual attractiveness why wasn't that considered sexual objectification?
Because hypergamy. You cannot separate the preference of white men by non white women, from the white man's historical propensity to conquer and colonize. Japan is a perfect example, has had contact with Europe for centuries and maintained a homogenous standard for male attractiveness, until "strangely" post 1945, all across Japan and Southeast Asia, you see a migration towards European fashion and standards of beauty, with a specific focus on blonde hair/blue eye combo as the prime archetype of strength and leadership.
Absolutely. But the quote wasn't on "breeding" as such but on "breeding" hung men.

It's the last bit of the quote that sounds too ridiculous. It sounds like a gay teenage boy's wet dream or some lousy porn script written on the back of a napkin.

To me it sounds too much like a 21st century attempt to fetishise a 19th century practice.
Likely it was a “more likely to reproduce” mindset out of animal husbandry science.
It also applied to girls and women.
Large hips are called “child bearing” even today. There’s not a strong corollary with large hips and easy childbirth. A larger pelvis helps, a larger pubic symphysis (bit of cartilage) to flex helps. But enslavers looked at overall dimensions. Some women had genetic fat patterns unrelated to the opening of the pelvis.
Many enslavers thought a larger penis was more fertile.
They had a bigger is better attitude while fearing the humans they were controlling.
This is an interesting topic.

You know, one thing I have always wondered is how the BBC myth impacts those [most] black males who are small or have very average penises. I would imagine that's another side of the BBC fetish that should be explored.
Every time there's a thread on the BBC myth, I always receive private comments from smaller black members. I know many here like to sell the BBC myth, but they fail to realise how hard it hits those less blessed.
as long as they aren't screaming "Yeah fuck me with your fat n-word cock!!"
I've always loved the shape and size of Shane Diesel but I can't take the misuse of the N-word in his Blackzilla flicks. You can't demand people to be politically correct in one setting and the opposite in another.
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Again, this kind of discussion ended in the usual niche of african americans in the USA.
Not a problem per se, if was not for assuming that this is the reality for all black men over the world.
Also, I would avoid speaking for a whole group. Expecially when you imply that who don't agree with you is basically brainwashed.
I'm speaking for myself but I do feel that many don't know the implications behind the word. I talk about this often and a lot of the black men that I talk to never really gave it much thought and they were thankful that I told them. They now look at the term differently.
The audacity you have to insinuate black men can't possibly understand that the term tends to fetishize themselves is rude as all hell. So what if it does?? If a man is black, and has a fat, lengthy schlong then why can't he call himself a BBC/has a BBC? Please don't speak for Black men and assume what we "do and do not realize". That's incredibly presumptuous. We're not stupid.

Edit: I failed to realize you are also a black male. While I can understand your frustration with the term, I can most definitely see where uour coming from, and as a black male myself, have learned about a lot of the roots of where this sort of fetishism comes from. But in my experience, let people be. It doesn't make someone "uneducated" to label themselves as BBC, and honestly idgaf if someone calls me one, as long as they aren't screaming "Yeah fuck me with your fat n-word cock!!" (Cause there's a lot of ppl like that out there)

Yes I am black so I am speaking as someone that has experienced this kind of fetishism a lot. I know that a lot of black men have just accepted it without question but isn't that a form of defeat? If someone wants to be labeled a "Big Black Cock" then more power to them but they should still be aware of the meaning behind it and know that it is a form of sexual objectification for someone else. You being a BBC to someone else does not change how that person may feel about black people in general in terms of their emotions, their intellect, and their humanness. You will be nothing more to them that a "black cock." I talk to many black men about this term especially if they call themselves this and you'd be surprised at how many never really gave it much consideration and they now feel differently about others hitting them up in apps calling them "BBC." Furthermore, I'm not belittling anyone that isn't trying to start trouble. You seem to think that I shouldn't care if other black men accept the term but that affects us all because nobody is asking us if its okay to just label all black men with this term. Since I don't see this conversation happening often from other black men, I feel that I should bring it up every chance I get. Being called a "BBC" is not a badge of honor. That's low hanging fruit if you ask me. We are so much more than that but if you are okay with it then that's fine. I on the other hand demand to be fully recognized for my humanness and not some part of my anatomy.

Is there an aspect of reclaiming? Like queer or bitch? Or the street “nigga”?
Good point. In most cases certain problematic terms are claimed but that seems to be after there has been a long understanding of the implications and meaning behind the word. I don't think we ever really came to a point of understanding this word because it was normalized from porn as a full fledged genre that is popular. From what I can see it has been unknowingly reclaimed. It's a label that is used for black men even when they may not be well endowed.
Good point. In most cases certain problematic terms are claimed but that seems to be after there has been a long understanding of the implications and meaning behind the word. I don't think we ever really came to a point of understanding this word because it was normalized from porn as a full fledged genre that is popular. From what I can see it has been unknowingly reclaimed. It's a label that is used for black men even when they may not be well endowed.
Inclined to agree with you, it is a specific othering.
At best, and I’m streeeeeetching this, it’s a “positive” stereotype along the lines of my people are good with money (there’s centuries and continents of backstory there), and Asians are good at math.
Any stereotype is harmful as it creates expectation. What if my nieces indulge their artistic sides to the detriment of their math skills? I’m all in on it’s okay to be average.
Gotta get back to controlling the banks and media….
I'm speaking for myself but I do feel that many don't know the implications behind the word. I talk about this often and a lot of the black men that I talk to never really gave it much thought and they were thankful that I told them. They now look at the term differently.
This could mean that you were right, or you just convinced them that your opinion is right. I am not saying you're wrong, I think we don't have enough evidences to accept or reject your idea.
As I said, there are plenty of bwc vids in porn, so this argument in particular don't male me think about discrimination. It's totally different for the term mandingo, tho. This looks seriously racist, even if the original term had q different meaning.
This could mean that you were right, or you just convinced them that your opinion is right. I am not saying you're wrong, I think we don't have enough evidences to accept or reject your idea.
As I said, there are plenty of bwc vids in porn, so this argument in particular don't male me think about discrimination. It's totally different for the term mandingo, tho. This looks seriously racist, even if the original term had q different meaning.
BWC is a fairly new genre that's not very popular either. I honestly believe its the porn industries strategy to capitalize on yet another form of fetishism. Furthermore, white people have never been marginalized to the degree that black people have been so the newly realized "BWC" is not going to be harmful to that group of men. If I were a white man I'd probably see things differently but I can only speak as a black man who is never asked permission to be labeled "BBC". I don't really hear about white men getting hit up on apps and hit with a barrage of "BWC" and other labels such as that. Black men experience this regularly on apps and other dating platforms.