Before and after using penis extenders with pictures if possible

Post your experiences using penis extenders with before and after measurements and pictures . Include what extender you use . Also any supplements that help with enlargement or naturally increase test

Good luck with this. I would say about 90% of men who do PE don't have before pics...some don't have after. You know how many dick pics I have before PE? Zero. You know how much I have after? Zero. You know how many times I took pics of my dick in my life? Zero. Probably never will.

Yeah, yeah I know I'm a prude but in real life more people don't risk this . What you see online is a very small, small minority of exhibitionist who enjoy showing their penis. I would wager most men in PE are lurkers, I would wager most don't even care to share their experiences. This is a very private thing thus the lack of pics. Look how inactive posts are on PE boards but look at the views. That is the story here. Most PE guys are lurkers.
Good luck with this. I would say about 90% of men who do PE don't have before pics...some don't have after. You know how many dick pics I have before PE? Zero. You know how much I have after? Zero. You know how many times I took pics of my dick in my life? Zero. Probably never will.

Yeah, yeah I know I'm a prude but in real life more people don't risk this . What you see online is a very small, small minority of exhibitionist who enjoy showing their penis. I would wager most men in PE are lurkers, I would wager most don't even care to share their experiences. This is a very private thing thus the lack of pics. Look how inactive posts are on PE boards but look at the views. That is the story here. Most PE guys are lurkers.

Interesting, because there seems to be very supportive groups posting/sharing about foreskin restoration. You wouldn't think they'd be so different.
Interesting, because there seems to be very supportive groups posting/sharing about foreskin restoration. You wouldn't think they'd be so different.
Well, tbh I totally understand why it's different. There is a whole anti-circ lobby and tons of guys who don't like the fact that they got their foreskin removed without being asked. Plus there is nothing involved such as competition. A foreskin is nothing special but lots of guys think the bigger the better and they probably don't want others to be as big or bigger than they are. So foreskin restoration is hardly comparable to PE imho.
Good luck with this. I would say about 90% of men who do PE don't have before pics...some don't have after. You know how many dick pics I have before PE? Zero. You know how much I have after? Zero. You know how many times I took pics of my dick in my life? Zero. Probably never will.

Yeah, yeah I know I'm a prude but in real life more people don't risk this . What you see online is a very small, small minority of exhibitionist who enjoy showing their penis. I would wager most men in PE are lurkers, I would wager most don't even care to share their experiences. This is a very private thing thus the lack of pics. Look how inactive posts are on PE boards but look at the views. That is the story here. Most PE guys are lurkers.
I'm pretty sure it's because most are young and feel shame in showing small penis before pics. I am now entering my 30's but am semi okay with my small penis and am excited/glad I can do something about it. Even if just for my own piece of mind :) I've done extensive research it's possible just takes a lot of time.
Well, tbh I totally understand why it's different. There is a whole anti-circ lobby and tons of guys who don't like the fact that they got their foreskin removed without being asked. Plus there is nothing involved such as competition. A foreskin is nothing special but lots of guys think the bigger the better and they probably don't want others to be as big or bigger than they are. So foreskin restoration is hardly comparable to PE imho.
Yeah. Disagree about your foreskin assessment. Do agree about it being different because restorers don’t seem to compete like you enlargement people do.

Yet it seems to be a lot more accepted and normal that people do PE but people look at you like you dropped a dead rat on the table if you tell them you are restoring.

its more acceptable to get a boob job, or a sex change, but if you see about medical restoration they would view you as mentally unstable. My opinion anyway.

And again, just as I tell the “extra skin” people. Foreskin IS something special and serves a purpose.
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Here's my honest, personal experience...I've been extending for 3 years now, BUT I'm not consistent with how often I do it. In total, I have done it for 816 hours (I'm currently strapped in as I type lol). On days that I do extend, I usually do it for only 3 hours (two 1.5-hour sessions).

My length has gone from 17.3 cm to 19 cm (BPEL, which means bone-pressed erect length). I'm thrilled!! The interesting thing is that most of these gains happened within the first 400 hours. Not much gains since then, but I will continue to do it b/c I think more gains can come. My girth has not changed at all FYI.

I have pics of course but am not comfortable sharing. Also, I don't have pics that show my dick next to a ruler so I don't know how helpful the pics would be.
The problem with before and after pics is multilayer....
1. How can the viewer know the level of erection before and after.
2. The angle of the picture and zoom.
3. The way someone measures can be ruler pressed into balls, or angled funny (Taking bpel/bpsl picks takes three hands)
4. People who are interested in p.e. often feel that they need more improving than they really need, or in the wrong aspect of their inch added to a penis isn't necessarily better than being physically fit, financially stable, or more social.
5. Extenders are nearly impossible to wear long term. (If you can wear long session let me know how)

That being said, I kept a journal since I got an extender in 2006 and I measured just over 16 cm bpsl when I started and today I'm at 21.7cm bpsl....erect varies so much I never use it as a benchmark.

My goal is to reach 9 inch stretched. Its going to take a long time and probably a little weight loss.
The problem with before and after pics is multilayer....
1. How can the viewer know the level of erection before and after.
2. The angle of the picture and zoom.
3. The way someone measures can be ruler pressed into balls, or angled funny (Taking bpel/bpsl picks takes three hands)
4. People who are interested in p.e. often feel that they need more improving than they really need, or in the wrong aspect of their inch added to a penis isn't necessarily better than being physically fit, financially stable, or more social.
5. Extenders are nearly impossible to wear long term. (If you can wear long session let me know how)

That being said, I kept a journal since I got an extender in 2006 and I measured just over 16 cm bpsl when I started and today I'm at 21.7cm bpsl....erect varies so much I never use it as a benchmark.

My goal is to reach 9 inch stretched. Its going to take a long time and probably a little weight loss.
that's amazing. so how many hours in total has it been?
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that's amazing. so how many hours in total has it been?
Not too many, the longest I could go in a single day was 4 hours, maybe documented 2 or three months total on and off (penismaster extender). I'm not entirely certain that I measured the exact same way or if I was finished with natural growth as I was about 20 when I started, in my 30s now. I still have the old journal hidden away in my penis enlargement toolbox, along with primative printed out explanations of jelqing etc.. lol I know for certain I wrote several journal entries as "measured bpsl" but not all. I tried to be consistent for my own sake. I really wanted to know if I changed at all. I have a unrelenting desire to be bigger, but I know I'm already almost too big for my wife. I changed mostly to pumping for that reason, it allows me to explore larger size while remaining able to go back to normal size for her.