Beranco19 Monstercock.

30 videos at Monstercockland.
Beranco - Video Playlist - Monstercockland

Here's a Pro tip for that site for endless free Monstercockland views (and downloads using ANT Download Manager, see below)
- Don't directly click thru to videos you want to play. Always use Open in New Tab. You'll see why below.
- Without logging in you get like 5 video plays.
- Make a free account and log in & you get several more, so when you get the "Create an account" prompt LOG IN and go back to where you clicked Open In New Tab. This is because the nag to create and account fucks up your tab history and merely backing up will NOT take you back to the video or even the page you clicked it on, aborts the tabs history, annoyingly.
- When those run out & it nags for paid subscription, goto Chrome (or whatever) Settings, Privacy & Security, Site Settings. Scroll down and click "View permissions and data stored across sites," click it, then search for "monstercockland" [LOWER CASE ONLY!] and delete all the cookies for there.
- Now go back to the page where you clicked Open In New Tab and RELOAD it.
- Reclick the video you just tried to play into a new tab) and it now plays.
- Voila! Wash, Rinse, Repeat above, you'll be back at your 5 non-logged in freebies.

To download anything from there use ANT Downloadmanager. See my post below with detailed tips on getting and using that, as well as some other useful goodie info!
My Video/Streaming/GayTorrent Toolkit [(Gaytor.Rent, AntVideoDownloader (captures nearly ALL streaming video & DL torrents), StreamRecorder extension]
I'm not into this guy's style or hard and fast approach to video shoots whatsoever, but finding other performers this way will be quite beneficial. Thanks for the viewing tip!
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