Like many US States, you can drive a vehicle before the International Age of Consent, which is 18, unless the local laws stipulate higher, and otherwise 18 only applies between those of different nationalities.
The laws are disturbingly Grey in some respects simply to prevent minors from becoming victims of the very same laws meant to protect them on an international front, and parental/guardian consent can oftentimes create additional grey areas.
The reason for Deo's Shut downs are likely because of how his content exceeds the scope of of the site's T&Cs. Basically as long as Deo, and Bernald utilize a site that actually doesn't support content of the sort they seem to want to post, they'll both be shut down.
Opening an international account actually requires a starting balance a lot of times...and given where they live...I don't think such a starting balance is as easy to gain as it may seem.
Deo will be 18 in February 2022, and at that point it'll be legal for him to promote himself if he desires to do so...asking for anything at this point is actually not legal unless you're 17 yourself for international interactions...or a Phillipino, where the senate recently voted to raise the Age of Consent from 12 to 16 in September that change is ratified, the Age of Consent is still 12, even if the country has Ratified the UN rules and regulations...why would I know this? To Protect myself from accidentally infringing on these rules and regulations when interacting with people online.
The rules for Age of Consent in the US for in state residents actually varies from state to state...with 14 being the lowest AOC with Parental Consent involved last I knew. For my own State that would be 16, which is also the age at which a minor can apply for legal emancipation, which creates a technical loophole on the parental consent part, but normally 17 is the AOC for instate interactions, interstate interactions default to the US AOC of 18 though, and this also applies internationally, except where a higher AOC is stated. Although relative age in comparison to the Lower Independent AOC in my state does influence the legalities.
All of that aside...I do wish viewing some of the Bernald content didn't require an upgrade. I don't use this site enough to justify the expense.