Big Brother 14

Why these ppl don't get Dan out of the frickin picture.... Seriously... If Dan wins they all deserve it for being so dumb to follow this bug-eyed lizard man.
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Why these ppl don't get Dan out of the frickin picture.... Seriously... If Dan wins they all deserve it for being so dumb to follow this bug-eyed lizard man.

I KNOW! At this rate, Dan deserves to get the money because they are all flat-out idiots. Not only has he already won, but they know they can't trust him!! The "newbies" from last year were way more stupid though.

and please, no more returning houseguests for at least 4 years.

Sidenote: this season has been terrible for nekkidness.
I think this has got to be one of the best if not the best season of Big Brother. However, it will be a complete let down if Dan or Shane wins.

Dan has been amazing I have never seen gameplay like this guy and I have seen every season of the show. He has upped the level of play dramatically. Having said that he is running away with the jury vote right now because the players in the Jury are not your typical emotional voters. As much as the were burned by it they appreciate game play. Brittany, Jen, Frank, they'll be bitter but if Dan is in the Final 2 there is no way he isn't winning this. which would then make the finale less exciting because it would be a given that he would win.

Shane has followed everyone to the end, great physical competitor but no gameplay at all. Jury voters like these will put more emphasis on strategy than on competitions, especially when everyone else was just as good. Usually you will have a dominator but Ian Danielle and Dan have all won HOH's and Vetoes so Shane's physicality means nothing.

Danielle may be doe eyed but she is not stupid. Dan is Going up on the block this week and it is going to be a bitter pill for him to swallow seeing he coached her. He is going to tell her to put Ian and Shane up because Ian is a bigger threat, but Ian will be the voice of reason to her stating the obvious. No one can beat Dan in the end. She'll want to take Shane to the end cause let's be frank EVERYONE WANTS TO SIT NEXT TO SHANE IN THE END, he's by far the most beatable of the three.

The VETO tomorrow night will be one for the ages Dan's days are numbered and he knows it. Tomorrow night's episode will be loaded cause Dan is going to be desperately grasping at straws to figure out a way to convince everyone else to keep him.

Funny but Danielle turned out to be a really good player. Her smartest move was convincing Dan to go after Joe and leave shane in the game during the double elimination. Now she has a stronger ally in him, a smart Ally in Ian and Dan doesn't have anything right now. But let's see he has been a dead man walking a couple of times and still he lives lol.
Tonite's POV competition is critical in determining which of the "QuackPack," goes swimming in the Jury House pool. I suspect Ian and Dan will be on the block...and if either of these two win POV, they're guaranteed a spot in the final 3. The POV winner will be the sole vote in determining the evicted HG. (In replacing Shane with Danielle, Ian once again blew his chance to oust Dan. He just wasn't man enough to do it. Sad, because it undermines his "game play" vote with the jury. If he ends up leaving tonite, he has absolutely no one to blame but himself. Why he thinks he can beat Dan in a jury vote, I just don't understand--but maybe it's just a high IQ thing I can't identify with, lol.)
Shane looked so EXCEPTIONALLY hot when he went on the out-of-house date with Danielle to see the gymnasts! Damn, he looked fine, was making me horny as a porcupine during that whole segment! Num!!
Well tonight's show just ended and I have to say: those were some of the dumbest mother-fuckers I've ever seen in my ENTIRE life! All of em!!!

They showed Frank in the Jury House yelling at Britney. Why? What the hell is he doing being mad with her for? Because she called him out for being such an idiot?? I mean I love Frank and all.....his physical traits are DEFINITELY my type and I love his aggressiveness and his temper. HOT!! But he's a freaking moron!!!! And he got just what he deserved for trusting Dan.

And now Shane just got his stupid ass evicted, thanks to both he and his even dumber-ass girlfriend Danielle for trusting Dan! Love Shane to death, think he's a gorgeous fucker, but a bag of rocks has a higher I.Q.

And Ian has crossed over into Idiot World too......for thinking that Dan wants to take him to final 2.

All retards!!!!! Every last one of em!!!! Give stupid a WHOLE new definition! Look up ignorance in wikipedia and they need to put up the cast members of Big Brother 14!!!!!

Well tonight's show just ended and I have to say: those were some of the dumbest mother-fuckers I've ever seen in my ENTIRE life! All of em!!!

They showed Frank in the Jury House yelling at Britney. Why? What the hell is he doing being mad with her for? Because she called him out for being such an idiot?? I mean I love Frank and all.....his physical traits are DEFINITELY my type and I love his aggressiveness and his temper. HOT!! But he's a freaking moron!!!! And he got just what he deserved for trusting Dan.

And now Shane just got his stupid ass evicted, thanks to both he and his even dumber-ass girlfriend Danielle for trusting Dan! Love Shane to death, think he's a gorgeous fucker, but a bag of rocks has a higher I.Q.

And Ian has crossed over into Idiot World too......for thinking that Dan wants to take him to final 2.

All retards!!!!! Every last one of em!!!! Give stupid a WHOLE new definition! Look up ignorance in wikipedia and they need to put up the cast members of Big Brother 14!!!!!


At this point, i honestly can't see Dan winning this game. He pissed too many people off. If he makes final 2, no matter who he sits next to, he doesn't have the votes. There's a slight chance that he could win against Ian, but who knows? Dan doesn't have the votes from Britney, Shane, Jenn or Frank. Especially if its him against Danielle. He has to know this. Dude has made for some great TV though. I don't know if he's just a master manipulator or these people are just that stupid.

Plus, i have no sympathy for Danielle. WHAT a moron. Dan has been constantly screwing with her head and she still trusts him. She should've got him out while she had that chance.

and Frank needs to get in touch with reality. Britney pretty much kept shutting his ass down during that argument...and then bringing up her husband was a low blow.
Well tonight's show just ended and I have to say: those were some of the dumbest mother-fuckers I've ever seen in my ENTIRE life! All of em!!!

They showed Frank in the Jury House yelling at Britney. Why? What the hell is he doing being mad with her for? Because she called him out for being such an idiot?? I mean I love Frank and all.....his physical traits are DEFINITELY my type and I love his aggressiveness and his temper. HOT!! But he's a freaking moron!!!! And he got just what he deserved for trusting Dan.

And now Shane just got his stupid ass evicted, thanks to both he and his even dumber-ass girlfriend Danielle for trusting Dan! Love Shane to death, think he's a gorgeous fucker, but a bag of rocks has a higher I.Q.

And Ian has crossed over into Idiot World too......for thinking that Dan wants to take him to final 2.

All retards!!!!! Every last one of em!!!! Give stupid a WHOLE new definition! Look up ignorance in wikipedia and they need to put up the cast members of Big Brother 14!!!!!

Very good summary. Kind of makes you wish you hadn't invested all your time this summer doesn't it?
Well tonight's show just ended and I have to say: those were some of the dumbest mother-fuckers I've ever seen in my ENTIRE life! All of em!!!

They showed Frank in the Jury House yelling at Britney. Why? What the hell is he doing being mad with her for? Because she called him out for being such an idiot?? I mean I love Frank and all.....his physical traits are DEFINITELY my type and I love his aggressiveness and his temper. HOT!! But he's a freaking moron!!!! And he got just what he deserved for trusting Dan.

And now Shane just got his stupid ass evicted, thanks to both he and his even dumber-ass girlfriend Danielle for trusting Dan! Love Shane to death, think he's a gorgeous fucker, but a bag of rocks has a higher I.Q.

And Ian has crossed over into Idiot World too......for thinking that Dan wants to take him to final 2.

All retards!!!!! Every last one of em!!!! Give stupid a WHOLE new definition! Look up ignorance in wikipedia and they need to put up the cast members of Big Brother 14!!!!!

Damn i Thought I was Alone in Thinking that it has been a season of Dumb Asses. They HaVe fell for every line of Crap THat has COme out of Dan mouth.
Tuned in to BB After Dark--it's now 1:54 AM EDT and Danielle is still crying her eyes out over Shane's eviction. Gee, who's to blame there. Danielle tells Ian that she never lied to anyone in the House...except Frank. Ian says everyone lied to Frank b/c he was a piece of ----, so it's no big deal. Danielle says it's not so much that Shane is gone, but it's how he left the House. Again, girl, whose fault was that? You really trusted Dan more than Shane to kick Ian to the curb? (They played Part I for the new HOH, which was an endurance challenge, right after BB signed off tonite.)

Dan has fucked so many of the Jury, not sure how he can pull it out unless they decide to set aside all the duplicity in favor of the outstanding game play. Britney was heading in that direction when BB showed Jury House footage, but I think she's a lone voice right now. Dan is still playing both of them like a Stradivarius. Gotta get to bed now. It's 2:16 and Danielle is still in breakdown mode.
who won round one of HOH?

I know, but it's too much of a spoiler to post here. If you're interested, Google it: Big Brother 14 Spoilers. I'm not even going to give you a link b/c this season has been so unpredictable I don't want to spoil the final episodes for avid BB fans.

Check out this pic of "dumb-ass" Danielle from last night's epic "blindside" ....


I may be the only one who thinks this, but maybe Dan has purposely made sure that everyone in the jury house is against him, ensuring that Danielle wins, should she and he make it to the final two. It's possible that he actually is a good person. He knows that he has already won BB once, and he's helping Danielle to win this one. Maybe he really is being true to his alliance. Just thought I'd present an optimistic view for once...
I may be the only one who thinks this, but maybe Dan has purposely made sure that everyone in the jury house is against him, ensuring that Danielle wins, should she and he make it to the final two. It's possible that he actually is a good person. He knows that he has already won BB once, and he's helping Danielle to win this one. Maybe he really is being true to his alliance. Just thought I'd present an optimistic view for once...

Not implausible since he joined the cast as a "coach" with the promise of $50K if one of his team won BB. He's almost guaranteed that now. The other thing that's guaranteed, irrespective of the outcome, he's now considered the premiere BB player of all times. That should be quite a boost for his entrepreneurial ambitions ....

Dan Gheesling
I may be the only one who thinks this, but maybe Dan has purposely made sure that everyone in the jury house is against him, ensuring that Danielle wins, should she and he make it to the final two. It's possible that he actually is a good person. He knows that he has already won BB once, and he's helping Danielle to win this one. Maybe he really is being true to his alliance. Just thought I'd present an optimistic view for once...

You are the only one. He's an avaricious asshole who's only out for himself. In the worst case scenario for him, if Danielle won, he'd spin it that that's what he intended and that'd make him the world's best coach.
You are the only one. He's an avaricious asshole who's only out for himself. In the worst case scenario for him, if Danielle won, he'd spin it that that's what he intended and that'd make him the world's best coach.

Let's review Dan's record on BB14 thus far. Forms alliances out of expedience, not conviction. Willing to throw those alliances under the bus the moment they become problematic. Lies--even when looking you straight in the eyes, wearing a cross and swearing on the Bible and his family--cheats, backstabs, lacks a "moral compass," engages in outrageous spin, controls the naive with the promise of riches and is an "avaricious asshole."

Bet he's already been booked as the keynote speaker for the RNC's 2016 Convention. During the interim, Wall Streeters will engage him as a "motivational speaker" and outstanding role-model for financial newbies. Nick8 is right, Dan really can't lose. This is truly "reality TV." :biggrin1:
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Let's review Dan's record on BB14 thus far. Forms alliances out of expedience, not conviction. Willing to throw those alliances under the bus the moment they become problematic. Lies--even when looking you straight in the eyes, wearing a cross and swearing on the Bible and his family--cheats, backstabs, lacks a "moral compass," engages in outrageous spin, controls the naive with the promise of riches and is an "avaricious asshole."

Bet he's already been booked as the keynote speaker for the RNC's 2016 Convention. During the interim, Wall Streeters will engage him as a "motivational speaker" and outstanding role-model for financial newbies. Nick8 is right, Dan really can't lose. This is truly "reality TV." :biggrin1:

Well put, Rico. Dan would have been the keynote speaker at the RNC this year if BB had been in real time and he'd already won. Which he will if the jury awards the prize for play--he's everything that's right for the game and wrong for human morality--but won't if they've wised up to how heinously he's treated all of them and whupps his ass by giving it to Ian, whom I've been rooting for for a while now.:wink:
Ya all know the funeral thing by Dan. What if it were productions idea given to him while he had that solitary confinement thing, just to add drama on the house and he really has no intention of winning. However to swear on the Bible etc and backstab like he really doesn't show a lot of personal integrity game or not.