Photo Big/Small Comparison Thread?

Yeah it is a hot pic.
And the smallest white guys is still waaaaaaay BIGGER than me -- and I remember the compare I did with a hung black guy too -- the compare was more dramatic than this pic :rolleyes: :redface: :eek: :wink: I felt like the stereo-typical 'little white boy' and we BOTH knew my role.

That fourth pic is great - two white guys and a black dude, who is pointing to his big cock, as if to say "Look, white boys, this is what a man's cock looks like!" :biggrin1:
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Well, I must say I am more than a little annoyed at the stealth-like removal of the old comparison thread. Has any mod or admin come forward with any kind of explanation? I spent alot of time going through my vintage film collection, finding frames and making screencaps. People have started private messaging me asking to repost, but I am at a complete loss. I have to explain that I uploaded the photos in good faith, trusting LPSG as custodian, and deleted the screen grabs from my hard disc to save space. I have no record of what I posted or when. Is all the work by myself Dink and many others to be simply erased from history, like some Orwellian dystopia?
Come on admins, come clean. Was it a server disaster? In which case that would be entirely understandable. Or was it something more sinister?
All we want is an explanation...
Let me assure you, the thread was NOT deleted on purpose. Rob E did explain just what caused it to go missing but my memory fails me any details. It was just a unfortunate mishap, not intentional at all.
Let me assure you, the thread was NOT deleted on purpose. Rob E did explain just what caused it to go missing but my memory fails me any details. It was just a unfortunate mishap, not intentional at all.

Jumbo - I think you are referring to Rob's post in the Questions Forum a few weeks back:

"We experienced a hard drive failure. We took the most recent backup and recovered, however there were some database corruptions. A small number of threads were lost. I made an attempt to recover these, but couldn't do it without further corrupting the database. No preference was given as no threads that were lost were restored."

Here is my professional opinion (without actually talking to Rob E) as to what happened. I have worked as a database programmer, and one thing that you need to understand, is that any file (for example, the big/small comparison thread), is stored in multiple locations on a hard drive on a server; (You may be surprised to know that the big files on your PC aren't stored in one spot.. parts of them are stored in different locations on your hard drive, and reassembled when you open them)....and the bigger the thread, the more room it takes up, and the more places it is stored. (and it was big thread, with lots of pictures, thanks to Dinklet).. as a result, when the database was corrupted, I suspect there was a higher probability that a part of the thread was corrupt.

So, I agree with Jumbo, don't think that Rob E hated the thread, or had a personal vendetta! Stuff happens!
Thanks Yankee for your input/expertise -- it helps explain why such a big thread was damaged.

Wondering which threads were affected? I understand the 'big/smal comparisonl' thread and also the "When did curvy become a way of saying that a woman is really fat?" thread but which others?? I asked but haven't heard. The link below is to that discussion.

Also, in the discussion is talk about the 'thread id' being needed to help 'restore' any of the thread(s). Both of those 'thread ids' were provided but haven't heard how any 'recovery efforts' are cumming.

Anyway... I'm trying to do my small part in posting to the thread (I too don't have the original posts I made to the thread) and have searched and found a few others (still looking for a few of my favs though). Just don't want to 'hog' the thread (and hoping for some of the other posters --- new and old--- to put their efforts forward:

:poke: :spankme: :nana: :bukkake2: :slap: :shocked: :bowdown:
maybe ROB E can (as a gift of apology for the unintentional drive failure) come up with a new icon for cock comparison?? and/or for admiring curvy luscious women??
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