Bigger/Smaller than your own dad? (18+)

I completely agree, nudity doesn’t automatically mean something sexual. I have been naked in front of my father for my entire life. He’s circumcised, I’m not and its how I learnt about the differences. Its natural and perfectly fine for fathers and sons to see each other nude.
I completely agree, nudity doesn’t automatically mean something sexual. I have been naked in front of my father for my entire life. He’s circumcised, I’m not and its how I learnt about the differences. Its natural and perfectly fine for fathers and sons to see each other nude.
Agree 100%. Well said.
This whole thread just sounds perverted and incestuous.
And yet the title of the thread is very telling and you clicked on it to read it. You mention the "entire thread" so you read A LOT before you decided to be openly judgemental about it. Well done?
I find this very weird. How are you all looking at your dad's dicks? I've never seen my dad's dick and I don't think he's seen mine since I was young.
I seen my dad's dick when we shower in the gym
I’m bigger than my dad and also I’m bigger than my brother and cousins haha. I know it for the vpl in our swim trunks, they always ask me if I’m hard
It's a great problem to have, isn't it? LOL
You grow up around nudity, like was it a normal state of being around the house/gym/pool/beach, etc?
Some have those experiences, some not. There's no "right" answer, just curious! And, welcome to the thread!
It's a great problem to have, isn't it? LOL
You grow up around nudity, like was it a normal state of being around the house/gym/pool/beach, etc?
Some have those experiences, some not. There's no "right" answer, just curious! And, welcome to the thread!
Not nudity but my family is very open so we always hang around in underwear, some sleep naked, since I was a kid I’ve always been in underwear inside the house, the same for my brother and cousins. In the pool and beach we wear speedo or swim trunks (sunga) and sex has never been a taboo
Not nudity but my family is very open so we always hang around in underwear, some sleep naked, since I was a kid I’ve always been in underwear inside the house, the same for my brother and cousins. In the pool and beach we wear speedo or swim trunks (sunga) and sex has never been a taboo
Lucky you, I hope you appreciate what you have with your family. Wish I had that with mine's.
Is you family predominantly made up of guys?
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Yeah we are majority haha but woman are equally open minded about all that
Sadly not the one's on my Mom's side of the family, who are the ones who've raised me most of my life. Which, incidentally are majority made up of women. Too bad they're uptight, sexist & homophobic (even to their own sex), sex shamers, rape victim blamers, anti-sex anything, and of course the cherry on top: they're against the right to choose. What do you except? They're sexist/misogynist.
Dad's side ain't no shinning star (almost everybody there never got proper sex ed, plenty of pregnancies out of wedlock, Grandma publicly shames them for that and loudly screams at them to never get an abortion, leading to several relatives to raising kids they never wanted and forced into marriages they never wanted. Big shock, ALOT of divorces and kids feeling unwanted. Grandma is just the worst), but geez at least by compairson they're not homophobic.

Anyways, I wish nothing but the best for you and your family.
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