Bigger/Smaller than your own dad? (18+)

It's a great problem to have, isn't it? LOL
You grow up around nudity, like was it a normal state of being around the house/gym/pool/beach, etc?
Some have those experiences, some not. There's no "right" answer, just curious! And, welcome to the thread!
Ya vi por qué te preguntan eso , RICA VERGA
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Very close to exactly the same size. Dad’s is a little thicker than mine, I’m a little longer.
Here is a pic of mine. Like I said, Dad is a little thicker. The shape of our heads are the same and our circumcision scares are also pretty similar.


I’m bigger than my dad and also I’m bigger than my brother and cousins haha. I know it for the vpl in our swim trunks, they always ask me if I’m hard
When a "haha" is added in a humble-brag-kind-of-way to such a post, does it not tend to delegitimize the post? It's just my musing, but I think it does.