Blake jenner

is this in prison...where he should be?
she didn't press charges so how is he gonna go to prison? He's a piece of shit, but bigger pieces of shit haven't been cancelled and still have careers so... let him to his thing and don't support him. that's it.
I'm allergic to fish, but I dont bitch that people eat it. I find much interest in Anime, so I dont watch it.
Oddest comment I've seen here in a while. Blake Jenner admitted to being physically and emotionally abusive to his girlfriend. Some people are choosing not to be supportive of his career because of that. did nothing to you, my friend. It didn't harm you. It didn't commit violence towards you. Why would you bitch that others who aren't allergic eat it? This really is a strange comparison. MB isn't allergic to BJ...she escaped him when he was abusing her. And your second sentence makes no sentence makes no sense at all.
Oddest comment I've seen here in a while. Blake Jenner admitted to being physically and emotionally abusive to his girlfriend. Some people are choosing not to be supportive of his career because of that. did nothing to you, my friend. It didn't harm you. It didn't commit violence towards you. Why would you bitch that others who aren't allergic eat it? This really is a strange comparison. MB isn't allergic to BJ...she escaped him when he was abusing her. And your second sentence makes no sentence makes no sense at all.
yeah... i wouldn't expect much sense from someone who still supports Blake, mate.
Oddest comment I've seen here in a while. Blake Jenner admitted to being physically and emotionally abusive to his girlfriend. Some people are choosing not to be supportive of his career because of that. did nothing to you, my friend. It didn't harm you. It didn't commit violence towards you. Why would you bitch that others who aren't allergic eat it? This really is a strange comparison. MB isn't allergic to BJ...she escaped him when he was abusing her. And your second sentence makes no sentence makes no sense at all.
Yeah it makes me remember in my country a conservative politician saying people can't be obligated / forced to like gays the same way they can't be forced to like spinach (???)

Like we are fighting to have rights and to be treated as humans... not to be "liked" lol
I dont support or approve of his actions. But posting your opinion does nothing either. Autocorrect changed dont to don't but then highlighted it and I type erased it. Context clues tells you what I meant but grasp the low hanging fruit. I get a notification, I look. Anyone is allowed to look and anyone is allowed to type. I'm Not defending him I'm say your not Melissa, so deal with it.
All of you shut the fuck up! It’s been hashed out thousands of times already.

Post his nudes or gtfo
Hysterical when someone takes the time to NOT post nudes and to chastise others, by telling people to post nudes or stfu...LOL
Then you should start.

Except I’ve been doing that and this thread is turning into a trash fire. We’re all sick of receiving notifications for a new post, when it is only a bunch of ‘holier-than-thou’ queens bringing up the same argument.

We know he’s a POS. Let it go already.