Blake jenner

Is his dick a story point? Is it's length/visibility important? If not then I don't see the reason for it being a prosthetic? If it was just the directors vision for it to be shown then surely that wouldve just been a conversation between the director and Blake? Is it confirmed anywhere that it is prosthetic?

Agreed, unless critical to the plot, they’d have just given him a cock sock rather than a prosthetic if he didn’t want to show the real thing. Makes me think it could be real. Didn’t Blake write the film? I wonder if he’s a bit of an exhibitionist and wrote the full nude scene in
so. his ex wife, melissa, who plays supergirl, revealed she was a victim of domestic violence in a past relationship.
although she doesn't name the abuser, she talks about an incident where the guy grabbed her phone and threw it at her face, leaving her with visible bruises from it. at the time she made up some excuse to the public that she's clumsy and fell.
this incident happened in 2015, when blake and melissa were married, so she was definitely referring to him.
dude is a complete piece of shit
The more times I watch it, the more I think the "weight" of it seems right. Just the right amount of bounce for someone that wants it fluffed so it is a little spongy but not rigidly hard.

Delusion. Convince yourself.

That thing is an obvious prosthetic.
so. his ex wife, melissa, who plays supergirl, revealed she was a victim of domestic violence in a past relationship.
although she doesn't name the abuser, she talks about an incident where the guy grabbed her phone and threw it at her face, leaving her with visible bruises from it. at the time she made up some excuse to the public that she's clumsy and fell.
this incident happened in 2015, when blake and melissa were married, so she was definitely referring to him.
dude is a complete piece of shit
Yeah watching that video ruined my crush on him. It’s very obvious it was him. I’m sad she was in that situation.
We don't know if he was the abuser...lets not assume anything... here's a gif of him dancing in his underwear
she said her abuser was younger than she is (which Blake is) and that he once threw a phone at her which caused an eye injury. In 2015 she had injury... and was married to Blake.
so. his ex wife, melissa, who plays supergirl, revealed she was a victim of domestic violence in a past relationship.
although she doesn't name the abuser, she talks about an incident where the guy grabbed her phone and threw it at her face, leaving her with visible bruises from it. at the time she made up some excuse to the public that she's clumsy and fell.
this incident happened in 2015, when blake and melissa were married, so she was definitely referring to him.
dude is a complete piece of shit
Well, damn. Just finished watching What/If and couldn’t take my eyes off him when he was in his scenes. Wasn’t familiar with him till I watched this series, going who the hell is this. Now looking up info on him throws cold water on my hard crush I thought was going on. Damn it.
Well, damn. Just finished watching What/If and couldn’t take my eyes off him when he was in his scenes. Wasn’t familiar with him till I watched this series, going who the hell is this. Now looking up info on him throws cold water on my hard crush I thought was going on. Damn it.

Likewise, and there's definitely no doubt now. He has been silent on social media while other celebs have unfollowed him. But hey, at least there's this fella...


Likewise, and there's definitely no doubt now. He has been silent on social media while other celebs have unfollowed him. But hey, at least there's this fella...
Who do we have here?? Might have a new brand new crush happening, that smile...
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