Has anyone received any ppvs or is his onlyfans as silent for you as it is for me? My renewal is the 28th and I have no idea if he's actually going to start using onlyfans or drop it again like last time. If anyone has heard anything from him pleeeeaaaasseeeee let me know 🙏
Whatever the case may be, I hope he's doing okay 🙏, we're all here cuz he's hot af but that don't mean a thing to me if I know he's struggling.

He's a cute guy, seems so nice and I just hope he's okay (I'm simping but that's besides the point, he seems like a good guy)
He’s back to posting on Onlyfans
This didn't last long did it. And he's not replying to any messages 🤦 my sub renews on the 29th however what's the point if he's not going to do anything with it 🤷. Has anyone received any messages or replies from him in the last week or so?