I'm 5'10" and about 130 lbs (now). I was a professional ballet dancer, although now I have more actual "muscle" than I ever used to. For the crime of being tall, willowy, and having long legs (not what I would have chosen for excess length), the shit that has been said to my face about my body was so... just utterly devastating that I didn't so much as quit dating as I completely cut the gay community off for years. Everywhere during that period it seemed as though any trace of whatever was deemed feminine was a death sentence.
Rejection is fine, and everyone has preferences. But when you're literally just waiting in line at the bar and someone stops whatever they were doing to lash out randomly because of their own self-hatred? Oy.
It's been very interesting to read the responses here, as it confirms a suspicion: there are very good people out there, and apparently The Manliest Man of All Human Males, His Most Royalist Majesty of Machismo, is also minding his own when out of the blue... A comment about his weight.
I like lean men with muscles like cords, although that's become a preference because so many men are just muscular these days. The workout bros are so clumsy and slow.