(hi everyone! posting on here for the first time heh)
I've found in my case that now at 34 my type has just been constantly evolving, not naturally because of some wisdom, but because of the function of time and experience itself. In my early 20s my type was "not muscular and not skinny but lean, dark hair, big dick preferably, smooth, etc etc etc" -- over time as you hang around different people and find yourself in new places you obviously end up having sex with people who didn't fall into the narrowly defined type you may have had early on and which was largely informed by media presentations of what should be considered sexy.
I didn't think I was into femme guys until one of my anon hookups was femme and it was amazing. And then such incidents kinda repeat - bigger guys, smaller guys, shorter guys, older men, younger men -- eventually you come to realise that Not My Type are just people you haven't experienced sexual pleasure with. The moment you've had a great orgasm with a guy not from your defined "type" -- your entire view towards his type of guy in appearance does change in general.
By now - I've come to realise that its not a specific overarching archetype I'm into -- it's just the crackle you can feel with someone after literally three sentences exchanged. For example if anyone does ask me what my type is I respond with:
I'm sort of into dorks -- dudes who are just kinda off slightly. glasses and a cute smile work? I like some cushion? I like a robust bum heh! but honestly -- idk -- I get super libidinous when im into someone, I just need the dude to match my energy and confidence and not have hangups about sex, and we're usually set for a pretty good time haha.