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No, I didn't, I tend to ignore assholes.
I'll be extremely charitable and assume that you think his comment wasn't him being "a little pedantic" and he genuinely thought I needed correcting.

However I think he is being pedantic, most people understand "The proof is in the pudding" and don't feel an urge to improperly correct it.

Read this and tell me it was difficult to understand.
As the saying goes, proof is in the pudding.
Now read this and tell me this isn't a pointless and somewhat pedantic correction.
I think it goes "The proof of the pudding is the eating"
Then I say he isn't wrong but he is being a "little pedantic", which he probably was for attempting to correct what I had typed, which didn't need correcting.(The original understanding hadn't been changed/improved by his correction as both the short and long form of the saying are easily understood) neither of us is wrong, one of us is being a little pedantic. Nice first post.
Then you come along and defend him for correcting that which needed no correction, without it seems reading my reply at all (who is being an asshole again???), didn't follow the link which if you look is the evidence you're attempting to defend him with, which I had already used to point out he wasn't wrong but didn't need to correct me thus the pedantry.
Then because you obviously just respond without reading or understanding anything imply I'm the asshole... definitely not him for being a pointless pedant or you for defending his correction.
I know this is the LPSG forum and blood may be flowing in the wrong direction but... did you even attempt to read my reply? what part of

Didn't you understand?
No, I didn't, I tend to ignore assholes.
You can call me an asshole if you like, at the end of the day I'm just trying to understand where you're coming from, what have I done beyond call him a pedant, what is so offensive about that? Why did you need to come to his aid,"He is right too." so "neither of us is wrong" didn't do it for you, not self-deprecating enough? maybe I'd be more understanding of your response if I had just called him "wrong" but I didn't.
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