Brandon cody only fans ?

He had a shit childhood and don't think he had many opportunities or much guidance. My sympathy ends there. What a fucking moron. Lol at the reference to polio, which we eradicated by a vaccine he already got as a child and without his "concent." He's talking *going to war with America* because he doesn't understand basic public health, first amendment rights and the legal system. These people are fucking dangerous. In the immediate, they're a health threat. In the long view, they're a terror threat. I'm sick of coddling people who couldn't bother to learn how to read but now want to shout the rest of us down -- maybe kill us in a "war" -- because they're stupid and angry about it.

Opinions different than yours will come to nothing if there is no truth to them. You don’t have to tolerate people you agree with. Show the tolerance you preach.
Did you guys read Brandon’s latest insta post ? Nice pic but utter garbage antivax speech.

A lot of these bodybuilders think lifting weights and taking supplements in their "lifestyle" is a panacea for anything or makes them invincible to anything. So many fitness people have this mindset. But especially the bodybuilders, too much nonsense spouted in their community makes them cloud from actual science. Lots of misinformation in their community towards exercises, workout plans, way to lift weights, nutrition, and I can go on. So of course they think the whole pandemic is overblown or a conspiracy from the forces that want you sick (i.e. big pharma, agriculture) because once again they think the way they live is "healthy" and makes them good against everything
A lot of these bodybuilders think lifting weights and taking supplements in their "lifestyle" is a panacea for anything or makes them invincible to anything. So many fitness people have this mindset. But especially the bodybuilders, too much nonsense spouted in their community makes them cloud from actual science. Lots of misinformation in their community towards exercises, workout plans, way to lift weights, nutrition, and I can go on. So of course they think the whole pandemic is overblown or a conspiracy from the forces that want you sick (i.e. big pharma, agriculture) because once again they think the way they live is "healthy" and makes them good against everything
Absolutely spot on. So many of them have such a warped view of the world based on their echo chamber.
Stupid question to ask, what brings him to a specific city to move to or visit? Hope people will remember that when he begs for money because he needs food and rent. Too many people move to high cost of living areas with no job prospects or money to cushion them. He'll become homeless in a few months(again?..)
Stupid question to ask, what brings him to a specific city to move to or visit? Hope people will remember that when he begs for money because he needs food and rent. Too many people move to high cost of living areas with no job prospects or money to cushion them. He'll become homeless in a few months(again?..)
what I don't get is why he is always "begging" for money. He has to have money. I mean, sc paid him well, his of pays him well, I just don't get where he spends it all.
what I don't get is why he is always "begging" for money. He has to have money. I mean, sc paid him well, his of pays him well, I just don't get where he spends it all.
He DOES have (or used to have??) a MacBook Pro lying around, so at least we know where +$1000 went to
He DOES have (or used to have??) a MacBook Pro lying around, so at least we know where +$1000 went to

Drugs if his last IG post was any indication. A while back he was asking people to fund his college tuition which I'm guessing he did all online. I believe he posted he was taking classes through Liberty which if it was Liberty University in Virginia and they knew anything about him I'm sure they would have kicked him out. LU is an extreme Christian university who tell their students what kind of music they are allowed to listen to on and off campus and more applicable to Brandon their honor code says that sex outside of marriage and not between an "natural born" man and women is a violation. If they knew they things he has done :joy::joy::joy::joy:
In case you want to read it. I literally threw up after reading it.....
Oh yeah, viewer discretion sh*t. Obviously it's all BS

