Brandon flynn

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It's going to be a tough career having to live-down the movie "Looks That Kill".
Chris Evans starred in a number of bad movies at the start of his career and ended up as Captain America. If Brandon has a tough career it'll be because he came out so early in his fame. This is the main reason for the "Hollywood Closet" where there are reportedly hundreds of unsuspecting queer celebrities who masquerade as straight to keep themselves popular and profitable for films, music and television.
It's going to be a tough career having to live-down the movie "Looks That Kill".
Looks That Kill is a good movie with a quirky charm that got generally good reviews. More to the point, it has an impressive 87% audience score on Rotten Tomatoes so let's not pretend it is a movie that Brandon has to be embarrassed about it.
Chris Evans starred in a number of bad movies at the start of his career and ended up as Captain America. If Brandon has a tough career it'll be because he came out so early in his fame. This is the main reason for the "Hollywood Closet" where there are reportedly hundreds of unsuspecting queer celebrities who masquerade as straight to keep themselves popular and profitable for films, music and television.
I definitely agree with this. Coming out after the 1st season of 13 RW when he was one of the breakout stars was a bold move as I'm sure a lot of producers decided it would be too risky to cast him. I'm glad he had the bravery to stick to his guns though and didn't claim he was bi-sexual or bi-curious or refuse to talk about his private life as some celebrities do when they come out then panic when the phone stops ringing. I understand why they do that but the world needs more actors like Brandon that are out, proud and hopefully successful.
Does anyone know why he dated Sam Smith ?
Honestly, I think he wanted clout. I like Brandon Flynn, but I gotta call a spade a spade. Sam Smith more or less implied this when he said that Brandon "got what he wanted from their relationship" and something tells me he wasn't talking about sex. Sam Smith continues to be significantly more famous than Brandon, and as we've already discussed in this thread, Brandon more or less made his road to stardom a even more difficult journey by coming out so early in his career. I'll be honest, I've never seen 13 Reasons Why and didn't even know who Brandon was until he started dating Sam. And I'm willing to bet I'm not the only person who got put on to him this way.
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Honestly, I think he wanted clout. I like Brandon Flynn, but I gotta call a spade a spade. Sam Smith more or less implied this when he said that Brandon "got what he wanted from their relationship" and something tells me he wasn't talking about sex. Sam Smith continues to be significantly more famous than Brandon, and as we've already discussed in this thread, Brandon more or less made his road to stardom a even more difficult journey by coming out so early in his career. I'll be honest, I've never seen 13 Reasons Why and didn't even know who Brandon was until he started dating Sam. And I'm willing to bet I'm not the only person who got put on to him this way.

Although I did genuinely know of him through his acting, I do agree with you. I hate to think of Brandon as an opportunist but there’s literally no other reason he would do it.
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