Natalie Durham on TikTok
For a while Brandon and Hunter hanged a lot with this gay make up artist. They made a lot of videos together on how they where not dating.. But constantly touched eachother.. Sus
This just in: Straight guys being friends with gay people is sus!
I believe he is at least bi. I follow Brandon and Hunter on Instagram. I was on a live chat that Justin Bieber was doing on Instagram. And as I'm watching I was actually really surprised because Brandon commented. And I know it was him because it had his official symbol next to his name. And his comment was " For real though, you're really cute." I was really surprised. And then about a minute later he commented again, "damn boy". So I believe that he is at least bi, if not gay.
I never seen the live but i believe ya because i think i saw him too on one of his lives also but people really don’t see what straight guys actually do just saying before y’all attack me lol

and bisexuals i feel like are misunderstood tbh because for a bisexual man he can also too be talking about wanting a girlfriend or a boyfriend but going to the girlfriend some bisexual guys might like females more than guys but they’re still attracted to the same gender and vice versa he might like guys more than girls but he’ll date and sleep with them too it all depends on the guy and his preference

just like not every gay or bisexual is a bottom or verse some really don’t like showing their peach if y’all know what i mean
I never seen the live but i believe ya because i think i saw him too on one of his lives also but people really don’t see what straight guys actually do just saying before y’all attack me lol

and bisexuals i feel like are misunderstood tbh because for a bisexual man he can also too be talking about wanting a girlfriend or a boyfriend but going to the girlfriend some bisexual guys might like females more than guys but they’re still attracted to the same gender and vice versa he might like guys more than girls but he’ll date and sleep with them too it all depends on the guy and his preference

just like not every gay or bisexual is a bottom or verse some really don’t like showing their peach if y’all know what i mean

I’m bisexual and I can concur that some bisexuals have like a spectrum in their mind. Like I like women over men only by a little bit, maybe somewhere between 52/48 to 56/44,... based on percentage. It all depends on the person I think.
I’m bisexual and I can concur that some bisexuals have like a spectrum in their mind. Like I like women over men only by a little bit, maybe somewhere between 52/48 to 56/44,... based on percentage. It all depends on the person I think.
See it’s all about the person’s preference and likes
I know ... I did. And didn’t see anything. Otherwise I wouldn’t ask?

Really? I did the same simple search and came up with 2 pages of links mentioning him and a post with 25 pages dedicated to him. Weird.

Hunter Rowland