Bromantic Pics

I love the bromantic pics. Can I ask a favor though? I'd like any professional porn studio shots to be identified if possible, just so I know which ones are genuine buddies and which ones are just selling their bodies. I see above that JD did identify the Belle Ami shots. Thanks.
bro-LOVE (haters and homophobes, don't look)
This first pic is one of my very favorites

Yah I think I quit this one. There's just no pleasing some people and you and I are the only folks sharing is a great collection and it has been a slice. You'd think we were curating at the Met or something. It's a forum on a dick size site. I think we can loosen up on the literal meaning of a metrosexually created bullshit word. sigh.

I'll take my toys to another sandbox.

a good bye :(

peace and love all, be kind...rewind.

