So many of these photos remind me of my one and only bromance I had back when I was a university student in the early 90s. I have posted before about this in other bromance threads, so I won't bother going into details here about it. I truly enjoyed the bond that we had, but I think that this bond scared the crap out of my bromance friend because he was so heavily involved with a girl. At one point, he told me that his girlfriend (later wife) told him that she was jealous of me. We slept together many times and we would always find ourselves cuddled up together. One time it got a little sexual, but we both backed off after a few minutes before it went too far (which I still kick myself for this day). I still miss this guy a lot, but when I got married 8 years after he did, he turned into an absolute prick. I think my getting married forced him to confront feelings he had for me which I knew were quite strong. We did everything together. We saw each other naked countless times when working out, showering, changing, sleeping, travelling, etc. One time when we were still talking to each other, he and his wife came out to visit when I was living on the west coast. I crashed on the floor beside the bed where they were sleeping because I had drank too much to drive home. I will never forget in the middle of the night him reaching down to my hand and interlacing his fingers between mine. His hand stayed there all night. It felt so comforting, just like it did when we slept together. Does anyone remember the Friends episode where Joey and Ross fell asleep together? They were freaked out at first, but then later admitted that it was the best nap they had ever had? I could totally relate to that episode when my bromance friend and I slept together. It was just so comfortable.