Bruce Weber's Boys

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Fashion Photographers Bruce Weber and Mario Testino Have Been Accused of Sexual Misconduct

The Times reports that many of the models recounted a similar scenario when talking about Weber: a private "session" where he allegedly requested that the models take off their clothes and participate in "breathing" exercises. During these sessions, the models claim that Weber asked them to touch themselves and him, and claim that he allegedly touched them as well.
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Out of every common model we have ever worked with, this “breathing exercise” has been talked about to me. In fact he would often go on “scout tours” across the country, have agencies send him “their best” to the hotel for “auditions” . In fact, in one city I actually went to there were 12 hopeful models in the lobby waiting their turn. The stories were wild!

Found this pic on Pinterest but the link is no longer valid, hoping for the uncensored version

Here is a peek at some mid '80s promotional advertising for the Breakwater Hotel on South Beach. They've made good use of the old motto "sex sells". View the uncensored version in our repository. City of Miami Beach Water Tower cleanup From the Miami Beach Digital Archives: record: MB00001703/00005
‎Too Much Effing Perspective: Quick Taps - Sex Parties, Sex Shoots, and Sex Workers on Apple Podcasts

Male Supermodel Michael Bergin talked about his shoot with Bruce for 2 minute
Fake shooting with no film in his camera

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The chubby photog just want to have him on set longer, is all. Lol! What a sinister pervert. Just pick one male model and offer that model a lifetimesupply of money, like that Calvin Klien and his male model 'husband'. Stop harrassing these male models, Bruce.
The chubby photog just want to have him on set longer, is all. Lol! What a sinister pervert. Just pick one male model and offer that model a lifetimesupply of money, like that Calvin Klien and his male model 'husband'. Stop harrassing these male models, Bruce.
Go to jail, Bruce.
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Marcus Schenkenberg



I lived up the street from him in the early 90's. He was insanely beautiful.