Bulging biceps

some hot brit i found @m.rayner plays rugby and has a great body. I love this type of arm, its not shredded where you can see every detail of fine muscle, neither does it have the typical "u"-bicep shape. Rather its just a mass of thickness and muscle, almost bloating, shoved into a tight skin compartment, and if anything the triceps stick out.
Great gropable rack as well.
Captura de pantalla 2024-06-30 a las 23.19.36.png
Captura de pantalla 2024-06-30 a las 23.21.24.png
Captura de pantalla 2024-06-30 a las 23.20.43.png
Captura de pantalla 2024-06-30 a las 23.20.23.png
some hot brit i found @m.rayner plays rugby and has a great body. I love this type of arm, its not shredded where you can see every detail of fine muscle, neither does it have the typical "u"-bicep shape. Rather its just a mass of thickness and muscle, almost bloating, shoved into a tight skin compartment, and if anything the triceps stick out.
Great gropable rack as well.
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ooof, natty or juicy? I wanna see more of his buddy! his IG is private :sob: