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Here's an idea. Why doesn't HE and his family donate some of their leftover vacation....I mean GoFundMe money to him? GoFundMe campaigns have rubbed me the wrong way for years and I'm tired of getting scammed by rich people pretending to be broke. Sorry to this man if this is legit but for every legit one, you have a couple dozen scams. I would look into this but I'm enjoying my weekend too much. Is this legit? What are the injuries?
Here's an idea. Why doesn't HE and his family donate some of their leftover vacation....I mean GoFundMe money to him? GoFundMe campaigns have rubbed me the wrong way for years and I'm tired of getting scammed by rich people pretending to be broke. Sorry to this man if this is legit but for every legit one, you have a couple dozen scams. I would look into this but I'm enjoying my weekend too much. Is this legit? What are the injuries?
The ONLY information I can find is in the gofundme. I did a quick search and there’s. Nothing online but then again, there’s no last name or location in the gfm so it makes it harder to find.

He chose to buy the motor bike. He had the money to make that purchase. It's a dangerous motoring sport. The risks are known. These kids want consequence free actions. Unfortunately help usually is sent and it leads to more irresponsible life style.
I'm wondering what about my post was not understandable to you?

The person in the go fund me purchased a bike, which means he had the money to purchase a bike. And now that he got into an accident, he doesn't have the money to cover his bills because he likely wasn't insured. Or maybe he was insured, and this is just another coffee type scam. The bike was purchased knowing that there were risks involved with operating this bike. If he didn't consider those risks, that's entirely his fault and shows his immaturity. This isn't a little boy who got cancer and the family needs the public's help.
Nobody said they want this kid to die. And nobody said they wanted coffee to die. They just want them to pay for their own mistakes, rather than ask the public to pay for them. And in worst case scenario, not scam the public when they probably have money of their own to pay and run off on a vacation. With the go fund me money. It's really not complicated.
As a guy that's been riding since I was 10 (30 now) you don't get that hurt from a low side crash... He was on a cbr 600 which tells me he doesn't know much and was probably riding WAYYYY too fast for his situation in little to no gear... People learn lessons the hard way... Caleb learned not to trespass and be stupid... Yet y'all paid for his vacation so maybe not....
This thread should be closed. It’s just turned into a Caleb-bashing thread.
I agree. It's like they can't enjoy his hotness anymore because they hate his family set up a gofundme page. Keep in mind he didn't set it up, he was lying in a hospital bed not able to move, but of course he's the biggest villain that we should all be concerned with in the world today :joy:
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