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Just wanted to throw my two cents in here, because the bashing has gotten crazy out of hand. I’m a little fuzzy on some details, but he had his fall back in July or August, right? Then he went on that cruise in November or December. That’s like 4 month time gap. Most people book cruises, 6 months or longer in advance. There is no proof any of the gofundme money was used to pay for the vacation.
Considering most of the people on this thread were probably simping over Caleb before Mar ‘23, give the guy a break. He almost died.
A mistake is forgetting to close the refrigerator. Scamming and defrauding people out of their money with bogus medical costs that were already covered is borderline criminal. And tell the people who are out of their money, to get over it. People work hard for what they have. So when people choose to donate on good faith that someone is genuinely hurt and in need, it leaves a lasting sour taste in everyone's mouth when they were just lied to. He should be lucky no one chose to take him or his family to court.

And then on top of that, has the audacity to post his supposed friends vague ass GoFundMe campaign. Gtfoh lol
Girl what do you want us to do? Lynch him? Form an angry mob with pitchforks? We get it, it was bad, it was a year ago. If the idea of him pisses you off that much unfollow him on everything, unwatch the thread and boom! All gone x
What would be the purpose of making a fake profile on grindr?

They put his face there and his name. Then what? They get a message from someone who wants to bang him. Then what?

Obvs can't show up to that hookup... so what next?
Catfishes usually just want attention or pics usually both
Sister isn't a normal bird either. The father really did a number on them both.
I don’t know what’s worse, exploiting your children for YouTube money or exploiting your child’s literal brush with death by opening up a gofundme for medical bills and then sending him on a cruise??
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