Calhoun Sawyer

Everyone’s journey is different! I didn’t just wake up in gay porn one morning. I did have a best friend that turned out to be my 3rd cousin, that I didn’t know was my cousin. and I am an addict with mental health issues like millions of other people.And mark shouldn’t have ran that interview I haven’t seen it but I’m sure it was shit, I was in a bad place.
Hi Cal! How cool you’re here telling your side of your story!
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I don’t think the interview was bad at all. I can see how it could be taken out of context but Calhoun articulated himself well. Definitely one of the best out there!!!

Talking about being a teenager and wanting to sleep with your female cousin right before indulging a same-sex porn scene, it was definitely tacky and icky. But I do place more of the blame on the site for even including that. It was incredibly irresponsible, especially since it’s apparent that Calhoun has and still is struggling with sexual dimensions, mental health, insecurities, drug problems, where he is in the gender, sexual, affection, romantic, emotion, commitment spectrum. It was cool for him to try to give some insight and to admit that that clip was inappropriate.
I love when he gets verbal


The way Calhoun came up in the thread to own y'all and CLEAR THE AIR!! Iconic!!

His scene with Max, and he's the top, makes me cum like no other. He absolutely owns him. His d is so huge and he's just a hottie, plain and simple. Period!