Welp, we're never getting anything shirtless
This makes me so sad. And not just because we won't get to see Cameron as HourMan anymore, or Hunter Sansone as Icicle Jr, because I also agree they are both incredibly hot. But because Stargirl is actually a really great TV show. And the new management who took control are cancelling all of these shows left and right, are doing a disservice to all of us fans and viewers of those shows. I had held out hope for Stargirl, because all of the other cancellations had already been done, and Stargirl is already more than halfway through it's 3rd Season. I figured if they were going to cancel it, they would've done it already. But no...they decide to give us all false hope. What a shot in the back! The new management is only interested in profit, and going by the old school way of viewership, and ignoring the newer ways of watching TV shows, such as over a laptop online, or over your phone's app. They are looking to be more tailored to the 30s, 40s, and 50 year olds, and are not going to be interested in producing very many original TV shows any longer. They will be playing older shows that were from other networks, to fill up time slots. Blah, blah, blah....
I am just very sad Stargirl is going to end. It is a terrific show. It is entertaining. The stories for all 3 seasons has been very interesting. And now, we have these new story lines of the Helix Institute and their patients, that could evolve into them becoming their own superhero group, as well as Jennie, the Green Arrow's daughter and her brother, along with The Shade off to NYC to find The Sandman's niece. There could have been so much story to be told.
Possibly, they will decide to move Stargirl over to HBO Max. We can always hope. I will not give up hoping just yet. Stargirl is too good of a show for it to just go away without a fight. Plus, what about the cameo appearance Stargirl will have in the new season of The Titans, along with Doom Patrol? That will occur after the 3rd Season of Stargirl has ended. Could that mean, that they are attempting to shift Stargirl over to HBO Max, since that is where The Titans show is from? Possibly?