Carl Nassib—first Out Active Nfl Player

I don't give a f*ck what his party registration was when he lived in Florida. Or the fact that he has an idiot cousin. Everything that's come out about Carl so far seems to show a guy who is decent, smart, genuine, and sexy as hell. Going into the fall he's going to be inside a pressure cooker more intense than any of us could ever imagine. He might not come out of it ok. Michael Sam didn't. And that sucks. Being "the first" is awful. But it might make things a tiny bit better for the second, and the third, and the fourth. And we can help in that by not doing the toxic work of the bigots for them. F*ck the haters. Let's be the people who boost Michael and Carl and whatever guys come after them.

which is fine for you. But we criticize politicians all the time, and we certainly can criticize prominent gay people who have a platform if they support anti-gay measures, policies, and politicians. Not that I see any that from Carl so far.

You're presenting a false choice, with an either/or, when I can do both. I can say it's great we've had people out and make it easier for them to com out. And same time, if they choose to use that very public platform to disadvantage other queer people... call them out on it (not that it's happened in this situation).
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And then probably only one grandparent or something like that. Family does not look like Lebanese Christians I have known.
I should have been clearer. The article I read, that I now can't find Grrr, said it was his paternal grandfather. Both parents American born. And by what they said about his education a successful family. A prep school boy. I wonder if American prep schools are like English ones. ...LOL