Chat Changes December 2024

If We Can Only Have One Chat Platform Up Which Would you Want?

  • New Chat (The one we disabled)

    Votes: 187 34.9%
  • Old Chat (The one that is currently up)

    Votes: 236 44.0%
  • Neither They Both Suck

    Votes: 89 16.6%
  • Neither You Don't Chat

    Votes: 24 4.5%

  • Total voters
Yeah we need one and only one room. I don't really see the need of dividing into categories... What does General Chat mean compared to Gay or Bi Chat?
but there is a general chat room, in thwe current (only) chat feature-- along with several other specific themed/ types of chat rooms (gay chat, bi chat, cam, straight chat, copmpare chat) many times members dont go to the option locatede to the far right under the list of open and curent chats and click on the icon which will bring up the list of "rooms". I'm no expert but I enjoy the swiftness and (after a little trial and error to figure stuff out) the ingenuity and ease that the curent chat offers. I have used both platforms and can honestly say, with the current chat platform I have never had to sit and wait for anyone's camera to show on my screen nor have I had to wait after signing in for member's names to load in the chat screen just to find out who said what and what the conversation was about; both issues happened on the regular with the "new"/ disabled chat platform. Also, It is much easier to use the cam to cam type fgeature or even to private message and hold a conversation (on cam or not) with other members without having to open an additional chat space and in some cases making the other person stop their broadcast in the main chat just to chat with me. I am not trying to sell you on the current chat, and i'll posat this as a regular comment, but wanted to make sure you knew of the dedicated rooms and how to find them in the current chat platform. Its my belief that if more members were to know how to get to the general (or other themed) chat areas, then the feeling of community that was felt in the disabled chat could possibly occur in the current chat also. I also believe that if somone starts a new cam group from within a chat area, the issue of not being able to chat and cam at the same time can be solved by using the little box with the arrow which will temorarily remove you from the cam portion of the chat but will insert you into the same cam session you were just in, except for you will now be in an external view of the session, meaning you can then simply click back into the chat session that you were /are in and continue chatting with others. Its basically a pop out feature that allows you to see more cams, but also will allow members to continue chatting sort of like picture in picture. I hope that these steps will at least help you to enjoy cam sessions on the site, and encourage you to want to continue being an active cammer!

best of luck, happy camming and hope to see ya around!
I believe if there was more instructions for how to use the functions of the curtrent chat, to enhance member's experience that would possibly alleviate some of the apprehension among others. maybe a "did you know" type section that tells members how to use the pop out interface while camming and viewing cams to allow us to continue chatting in the chat room while broadcasting. or which of the icons to click to find a listing of all of the current chat rooms and a short definition of what the intended meaning/ purpose/ expectation for each are would be helpful-- at least if there were intended expectations the chat rooms wouldn't feel so clubbish or specific to a certain demographic ( only gays are allowed in the gay chat, etc. -- and I am making that up as an example, and am not claiming it is an actual "rule", but logically it wouldn't take much for someone to inaccurately think that is the intentions of having specific themed chat rooms. LPSG in my opinion is definitely very inclusive of everyone and I can't really think of anywhere on the platform where boundaries as such are placed.)

I say all that because I do enjoy the current chat more than the disabled chat, it is faster, the cams show up as soon as another member turns their cams on, member's names are present as soon as I log into the chat, and I can watch multiple cams at the same time, while also chatting ( not camming) privately with someone else at the same time. However, I have been using the current chat for several years it seems, and have picked up a lot of tips and tricks to make my experience better for me, but not everyone has years to spend trying to figure out the ins and outs of the chat, and I understand that. I believe better education and informational cues would help a lot.

Sorry for the novel! Anyway-- I'm off to chat!

Happy Camming!
Hi guys,

I am sad to learn about the change on the site. As the newer version allowed to chat and cam in a main room for all who were online to join.

I believe 1 main chat with all cams available keeps the chat going, triggers curiosity and interaction in a way fellow members seek.

The option for cam2cam privately was good (barely ever used it myself)

Yes it was a glitchy page, however features were better in my opinion.

The idea of a rotating banner on the main page with who is on cam at the moment sounds like a great idea to attract more members to the chat. And get a higher participation number.

Towards @LPSG: I understand the choice you made. Number wise it wasn't worth keeping it in the air. The glitchyness didnt help furfill the expectations we all had when you launched the new chat. The set up was better then old chat and I personally cammed much more in new chat then ever before! Therefore I hope you manage to work out all comments, suggestions and ideas of your members. And find a way to create a new new chat/cam that works better then the two previous ones.

I place trust and faith in our moderators and supporters of @LPSG @LPSG Content Support @LPSG Copyright Support @LPSG Max @LPSG Simon and all people who are involved in creating and supporting this wonderfull site.

Kind regard,

I was surprised to read this update: ever since the arrival of the new chat, it has been said that the old one was the one supposed to go...and I remember many complaints back then, so apparently there is not a solution that makes everyone happy :D
Personally I used more frequently the old chat due to lagging problems both in chat and in video (sometimes it was impossible for me to see the cams) but I don't think to vote because both are not perfect, both don't suck...they were just different and each one with its upsides and downsides...
Reading the comments, I think you should try to improve one of the two with the features most requested by users: this is a great community and can't be lost :)
Pulling the plug to see what would happen?

Is LPSG run by toddlers with ADHD?

Forgive me my hyperbole, but that's an absolutely absurd way to manage a business/service/platform.

Your users and customers deserve much better.

It does however shed some light on other questionable actions taken by the admin team.
What other questionable actions are you referring to?
Please bring back the OLD old chat (Not the one that is currently active).. The one where cams you were watching appeared in a sort of banner above the chat and you could watch multiple cams at a time with ease. That was the height of the chat feature and when I enjoyed it most
The OLD old chat is long gone. It was flash based we can thank adobe for that :(
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but there is a general chat room, in thwe current (only) chat feature-- along with several other specific themed/ types of chat rooms (gay chat, bi chat, cam, straight chat, copmpare chat) many times members dont go to the option locatede to the far right under the list of open and curent chats and click on the icon which will bring up the list of "rooms". I'm no expert but I enjoy the swiftness and (after a little trial and error to figure stuff out) the ingenuity and ease that the curent chat offers. I have used both platforms and can honestly say, with the current chat platform I have never had to sit and wait for anyone's camera to show on my screen nor have I had to wait after signing in for member's names to load in the chat screen just to find out who said what and what the conversation was about; both issues happened on the regular with the "new"/ disabled chat platform. Also, It is much easier to use the cam to cam type fgeature or even to private message and hold a conversation (on cam or not) with other members without having to open an additional chat space and in some cases making the other person stop their broadcast in the main chat just to chat with me. I am not trying to sell you on the current chat, and i'll posat this as a regular comment, but wanted to make sure you knew of the dedicated rooms and how to find them in the current chat platform. Its my belief that if more members were to know how to get to the general (or other themed) chat areas, then the feeling of community that was felt in the disabled chat could possibly occur in the current chat also. I also believe that if somone starts a new cam group from within a chat area, the issue of not being able to chat and cam at the same time can be solved by using the little box with the arrow which will temorarily remove you from the cam portion of the chat but will insert you into the same cam session you were just in, except for you will now be in an external view of the session, meaning you can then simply click back into the chat session that you were /are in and continue chatting with others. Its basically a pop out feature that allows you to see more cams, but also will allow members to continue chatting sort of like picture in picture. I hope that these steps will at least help you to enjoy cam sessions on the site, and encourage you to want to continue being an active cammer!

best of luck, happy camming and hope to see ya around!
I know the pop up thing but I use my phone to cam and it just doesn't do it, that's the problem. We need something more phone friendly!
Thanks for this.

The old chat (now the current chat) definitely has a better user interface. The new chat (RIP) was clunky, but I still really liked it.

What I liked was that there was one main chat. It was always fun to log on and see who was online (even if the cameras were slow to load at times). There was a nice sense of community there.

The current chat doesn't seem to have the same functionality (unless I'm missing something). It just seems to be lots of people starting different conversations, and therefore feels a little more fragmented.

I wonder if if would be possible at some point to create this space in the chat, so it's not just lots of spearate groups happening simultaneously.

Hope that makes sense!
I totally agree. There was a sense of community in the ”new chat” which I really liked. The old chat feels much more anonymous. Again, the cams were really slow to load but it was almost always fun to log into the chat. That’s not the case with the old one.
i hadnt used chat much but preferred the new chat or the one that what disabled...i liked being able to talk in the chat with everyone not just one on one

edit: i found the group chat rooms...seems ok
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Making a fundamental change to a site's functionality without any notice or an invitation to users for input was a misstep. And poor system administration.
I imagine there are quite a few unhappy members who feel ignored/disenfranchised and who will go elsewhere.
The current approach to managing the site is reactionary and heavy handed. I'm curious why people, including me, bother paying.
Im inclined to agree i thought for one moment ive been banned and hello why is this not showing up Also it was fun to show off to folks who just wanted to comment and purve made me feel empowered and now i feel a bit lost with it all
i hadnt used chat much but preferred the new chat or the one that what disabled...i liked being able to talk in the chat with everyone not just one on one

edit: i found the group chat rooms...seems ok
yeah i much prefered to have a group chat where you can see every one and it was a great sense of community to be honest im not sure how long im gonna want to carry on i may delete my profile now
If there was some way to have one room in the current chat, that would be ideal.

It does feel like our sense of community has gone. :(
Totally agree its a backward stepin my oppinion and one thats been taken without consultation
It would be nice to know if while you guys work those ideas would be possible to get the New Chat back in the meantime? Or is it gone forever? I miss some people from the chat and I’d like to know if I should hang in here waiting for some miracle to happen before they/we all move on to other places…

The change was very abrupt and some of uf we are still “grieving”. We understand the “why” it happened but not the “how” as it was very sudden.