If the grays had a little pride they would do what I say, but unfortunately that is not the case.
I have a lot of pride, I'm 66 and I have no interest in watching other 66 year olds In chaturbate. I'm physically not attracted to them and my interests are not the same as other seniors,a lot better term than grays,. I like comic book collecting, science fiction and fantasy and hard and alternative rock. So don't tell me I can't live out my fantasy of watching younger guys put on a show. If you have nothing nice to say then don't say it.:rolleyes:
Can anyone reupload a video from camvideos for me? I got a new computer and don't have the original anymore. I also have some additions since the last time if you don't mind. Totally fine if not, just wanted to check!


I don't usually do this but "grays/greys" is literally the COLOR of users who remain anonymous OR create an account but don't buy tokens. As u spend money you go from grey to black, pass thru the blues and then to the purples. Gray has nothing to do with age- it's a chaturbate category.
OK, now his post makes sense.
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I don't usually do this but "grays/greys" is literally the COLOR of users who remain anonymous OR create an account but don't buy tokens. As u spend money you go from grey to black, pass thru the blues and then to the purples. Gray has nothing to do with age- it's a chaturbate category.
If the grays had a little pride they would do what I say, but unfortunately that is not the case.
Not a question of pride at all - it's a question of people making up their own minds and doing what they wish with their lives. Also, deciding on their own what makes them proud. Some of us don't need online advisors to run our lives for us, but thanks anyway:)