What is Brad doing now?Wow you managed to collect all of them! Currently I'm trying to download HS 5 from some tor. rent site but the # of connected peers are very small, so its very slow (ETA 20. Is there any chance you would share the collection here??
cheers and have a great day to you
any progress on this?i need the entire screen test collection.
i still wanna know if anyone knows him
Thanks these were great
videos does brad get involved in? I know scott but who else? XThere aren't many where the model touches or kisses Brad are there? I only know of the two...and the second one of those the young guy (long brown haired guy) just touches Brad's dick through his pants.
Yes that is a good one. Are there any more hidden gems? xAlso the really hot blond guy that he kisses.
something like...."do you kiss?" "not sure do you?"
I found it, not sure how to edit my post but here's the link for anyone else looking:
Mitch Lucas. - ThisVid.comanyone has a full vid or mitch lucas part only? just googled and he's so hot!