Cody deal

It has been a whirlwind watching his instagram post. A promo for his biggest cock OF page, then axis swimwear, then his Legends University, then he is ranting about the failings of the government and financial collapse, and then his VIP Of is now $20.
Okay so I ponied up the $20 to join his VIP OF tonight only to discover that none of his 'live' videos (the longest ones on there) can be downloaded. Well you can download them, but they download broken as audio only with frozen green screens. Idk if that's Onlyfans' new encryption bullshit or what...all I know is I've never experienced it before on anyone else's OF account. If anyone has any tips on how to successfully rip his live vids I'd appreciate it. I tried both the Chrome extension and Firefox and both resulted in broken downloads. 50% of his other vids (the vids you can actually download) were literally shot in the dark or with terrible backlighting. Like why even post vids where you can't see anything??
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Okay so I ponied up the $20 to join his VIP OF tonight only to discover that none of his 'live' videos (the longest ones on there) can be downloaded. Well you can download them, but they download broken as audio only with frozen green screens. Idk if that's Onlyfans' new encryption bullshit or what...all I know is I've never experienced it before on anyone else's OF account. If anyone has any tips on how to successfully rip his live vids I'd appreciate it. I tried both the Chrome extension and Firefox and both resulted in broken downloads. 50% of his other vids (the vids you can actually download) were literally shot in the dark or with terrible backlighting. Like why even post vids where you can't see anything??
Did you try this?


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Okay so I ponied up the $20 to join his VIP OF tonight only to discover that none of his 'live' videos (the longest ones on there) can be downloaded. Well you can download them, but they download broken as audio only with frozen green screens. Idk if that's Onlyfans' new encryption bullshit or what...all I know is I've never experienced it before on anyone else's OF account. If anyone has any tips on how to successfully rip his live vids I'd appreciate it. I tried both the Chrome extension and Firefox and both resulted in broken downloads. 50% of his other vids (the vids you can actually download) were literally shot in the dark or with terrible backlighting. Like why even post vids where you can't see anything??
OF is DRM protected. You can't record anything you haven't bought. Video downloader apps general won't play the video unless you allow DRM. I'm pretty sure there will be a workaround. I'm totally against paying for something and not being able to keep it.
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Did you try this?

Hmm, for some reason it doesn't come up in the Google Play Store when I search for it. Even when I go directly to their site and try to link to it in the GPS I get a message saying "Something went wrong."

OF is DRM protected. You can't record anything you haven't bought. Video downloader apps general won't play the video unless you allow DRM. I'm pretty sure there will be a workaround. I'm totally against paying for something and not being able to keep it.

I've never had a single problem ripping vids on there...until last night. And yea--if OF blocks video downloading then they might as well just delete my account because I'm done. It was fun while it lasted! I don't pay to rent porn.
I've never had a single problem ripping vids on there...until last night. And yea--if OF blocks video downloading then they might as well just delete my account because I'm done. It was fun while it lasted! I don't pay to rent porn.
its new. there is an option that models have to enable themselves. on firefox on mac, the videos are now blurry for the first couple of seconds but only on the DRM protected videos. its really annoying.
its new. there is an option that models have to enable themselves. on firefox on mac, the videos are now blurry for the first couple of seconds but only on the DRM protected videos. its really annoying.

Okay, awesome. Looks like I'll have a lot more disposable income in the near future then because I'm not joining anyone's OF only to discover their shit is "protected." Guess I'll have to switch to that God-forsaken JFF.
Well another day, another grift from Mr. Deal. This evening's grift is selling a "used/worn" thong for $120. No problem...nothing wrong with that! Except for the fact that someone in his comments reports to have already purchased said worn thong and yet you or I can still go onto Cody's website and add up to 100,000 "used/worn" thongs to our cart. Yes, that's right--you and I can each buy up to 100k "used/worn" thongs from Mr. Cody Deal. How he'll have time to wear all of these thongs is the million dollar question (or, rather, the $119,200,000.00 question). Folks: Don't buy "used/worn" gear from Mr. Deal--he's not actually wearing any of it. He's selling this shit to the masses and he's mailing it all out in bulk, meaning you just paid $120 for him to send you one of an infinite number of brand new/unworn thongs. Surely you can find a similar brand new/unworn thong for $20 or less. Check TJ Maxx or Marshalls. Save yourself the grifting middleman and his $100 markup. Thank you and goodnight.

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Okay so I ponied up the $20 to join his VIP OF tonight only to discover that none of his 'live' videos (the longest ones on there) can be downloaded. Well you can download them, but they download broken as audio only with frozen green screens. Idk if that's Onlyfans' new encryption bullshit or what...all I know is I've never experienced it before on anyone else's OF account. If anyone has any tips on how to successfully rip his live vids I'd appreciate it. I tried both the Chrome extension and Firefox and both resulted in broken downloads. 50% of his other vids (the vids you can actually download) were literally shot in the dark or with terrible backlighting. Like why even post vids where you can't see anything??
Have you been able to DL his videos successfully? I considered subbing for 20 bucks for all of his content but wasn't sure if it's worth it. Could you dm me?
Okay, awesome. Looks like I'll have a lot more disposable income in the near future then because I'm not joining anyone's OF only to discover their shit is "protected." Guess I'll have to switch to that God-forsaken JFF.

if/when i figure out how to download them, ill DM you ;-)
Have you been able to DL his videos successfully? I considered subbing for 20 bucks for all of his content but wasn't sure if it's worth it. Could you dm me?

You can download his 'regular' uploaded vids just fine, but his livestreams (which are upwards of an hour long) won't play properly after downloading. I've never had such problems before downloading guys' livestreams so I have a feeling this is the result of that new OF encryption cockblock. Honestly for $20 it wasn't really worth it. Could've been worse but if I can't rip everything for keeps then I'd prefer to just KEEP my money.

if/when i figure out how to download them, ill DM you ;-)

Hell yea, thank you!
Okay, awesome. Looks like I'll have a lot more disposable income in the near future then because I'm not joining anyone's OF only to discover their shit is "protected." Guess I'll have to switch to that God-forsaken JFF.
Same. Watch how many people lose their members. It isn't worth it, because these models stuff isn't all over the place.
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