Colin jost

Maybe we're all just living longer or something, or his face is just young, but it's crazy how his facial hair is totally gray when it grows in, but when he's shaved and clean-cut he reverts back to being like a 20-something-year-old frat boy? What kind of black magic

Like he's turning 50 in several years and he looks like THIS
Maybe we're all just living longer or something, or his face is just young, but it's crazy how his facial hair is totally gray when it grows in, but when he's shaved and clean-cut he reverts back to being like a 20-something-year-old frat boy? What kind of black magic

Like he's turning 50 in several years and he looks like THIS
He's 41, just say early 40s :joy:
I was trying to emphasize the 50 part, early 40s could include 40 itself and he'll be 42 already in 6 months.
ok I'm 2 months older than Colin and if someone tried to imply that i was nearly 50-I'd deck them. It's closer to a decade away from being 50.