Colin jost

Maybe we're all just living longer or something, or his face is just young, but it's crazy how his facial hair is totally gray when it grows in, but when he's shaved and clean-cut he reverts back to being like a 20-something-year-old frat boy? What kind of black magic

Like he's turning 50 in several years and he looks like THIS
My niece, who was born 2 years ago, will be 50 in several years, but you wouldn't believe the quality of her skin. Not a wrinkle! Not one! We are all asking her what her secret is as she is not even using skincare.
I was trying to emphasize the 50 part, early 40s could include 40 itself and he'll be 42 already in 6 months.
You certainly emphasised it alright. Yeah, it's incredible that in like a month I'll be 43, and 50 is hurtling towards me like a runaway train and I'm tied to the tracks! Aghhh!
You certainly emphasised it alright. Yeah, it's incredible that in like a month I'll be 43, and 50 is hurtling towards me like a runaway train and I'm tied to the tracks! Aghhh!
Ok lol
50 is merely several years off, which is what I was saying
Sorry you're turning 43 tho, I didn't mean to trigger you
Ok lol
50 is merely several years off, which is what I was saying
Sorry you're turning 43 tho, I didn't mean to trigger you
Oh dear, you're one of those who thinks sarcasm is "being triggered". 2019 called and said they want their buzz-term back seen as you're flinging it about at everything, I'd say grown up a bit, but that might push you closer to 50...
Oh dear, you're one of those who thinks sarcasm is "being triggered". 2019 called and said they want their buzz-term back seen as you're flinging it about at everything, I'd say grown up a bit, but that might push you closer to 50...
You literally got personally upset over some random comment I made implying he looks good for being in an age bracket that is technically going-on-50 and made some weirdo comment about decking me, did you think I wasn't going to clap back at that catty threat? To me, you are one of those. You also don't seem to understand, this despite your age mind you, that 'several' is subjective and I personally happen to define several more literally. For me, several is anything + or - 2 from 7, so 5-9, but + or - 1 would be the most accurate, so several being 6-8. Hence, why I said that once he's 42 in 6 months, he will be several years (8) off of 50 even though if you think 9 falls within several, which I'd say it does, then he is already several years off of 50. Which is right by that logic, but you for whatever reason felt the need to dispute that and "correct me" when I didn't need correcting because that wasn't the point I was making like I already explained, which was uncalled for, so maybe you should grow up and spend your remaining time working on your attitude.
You literally got personally upset over some random comment I made implying he looks good for being in an age bracket that is technically going-on-50 and made some weirdo comment about decking me, did you think I wasn't going to clap back at that catty threat? To me, you are one of those. You also don't seem to understand, this despite your age mind you, that 'several' is subjective and I personally happen to define several more literally. For me, several is anything + or - 2 from 7, so 5-9, but + or - 1 would be the most accurate, so several being 6-8. Hence, why I said that once he's 42 in 6 months, he will be several years (8) off of 50 even though if you think 9 falls within several, which I'd say it does, then he is already several years off of 50. Which is right by that logic, but you for whatever reason felt the need to dispute that and "correct me" when I didn't need correcting because that wasn't the point I was making like I already explained, which was uncalled for, so maybe you should grow up and spend your remaining time working on your attitude.
Friend, relax. I promise you- Nobody here was personally offended. Nor did I (not the person you just responded too) intend to say i wanted to deck YOU. It's all in good fun. People were just ribbing you about an odd comment. I have no idea how old you are so maybe you're not at an age where you don't want to be called older than you are prematurely.

In the context of age/aging 8-9 years is a big difference. 2 year olds don't look the same as 10 year olds, 21 year olds don't look 30. So in the coming 8.5 years Colin will probably age to look closer to what you imagine 50 looks like- or maybe he wont. Either way 41 isn't practically 50 and it's ok to just admit you didn't articulate your point - he looks good for his age when clean shaven.
Friend, relax. I promise you- Nobody here was personally offended. Nor did I (not the person you just responded too) intend to say i wanted to deck YOU. It's all in good fun. People were just ribbing you about an odd comment. I have no idea how old you are so maybe you're not at an age where you don't want to be called older than you are prematurely.

In the context of age/aging 8-9 years is a big difference. 2 year olds don't look the same as 10 year olds, 21 year olds don't look 30. So in the coming 8.5 years Colin will probably age to look closer to what you imagine 50 looks like- or maybe he wont. Either way 41 isn't practically 50 and it's ok to just admit you didn't articulate your point - he looks good for his age when clean shaven.
There were so many people taking what I said 100,000x more seriously than it was intended and clearly I'm not even that invested, and it was on the previous page which I didn't care to re-read for obvious reasons, so yes, I mixed you two up, they've been throwing a tantrum all day long. Anyway -- what you said reads that way. You're saying what I said is "punchable", lol, when no one asked by the way, how else am I going to read into that? I mean, look, you can get sensitively offended that 41.5-42 is factually several years off of 50 all day and night on an existential level despite triggering that reaction not being my intent at all with that comment, but it doesn't make what I'm saying untrue. And as I said, I was purposely emphasizing the 50 part to show how dramatic it is that he looks young when 50 is his next major age milestone, which is true. Which is why I didn't just say "for someone in their early 40s" because that isn't the point I was making from the start, so no I didn't screw up my articulation at all. No matter how badly you want it to be true, it's not. I said what I said. You all got upset. Also, the physical difference between a 2 and a 10 year old is substantially different than a 42 and 50 year old, for obvious reasons, so the point you're trying to make is completely incomparable. A baby/toddler > 5th grader is far different than an adult > adult, like, lol. And I'm sure there are 21 and 30 year-olds who could pass for each other.
There were so many people taking what I said 100,000x more seriously than it was intended and clearly I'm not even that invested, and it was on the previous page which I didn't care to re-read for obvious reasons, so yes, I mixed you two up, they've been throwing a tantrum all day long. Anyway -- what you said reads that way. You're saying what I said is "punchable", lol, when no one asked by the way, how else am I going to read into that? I mean, look, you can get sensitively offended that 41.5-42 is factually several years off of 50 all day and night on an existential level despite triggering that reaction not being my intent at all with that comment, but it doesn't make what I'm saying untrue. And as I said, I was purposely emphasizing the 50 part to show how dramatic it is that he looks young when 50 is his next major age milestone, which is true. Which is why I didn't just say "for someone in their early 40s" because that isn't the point I was making from the start, so no I didn't screw up my articulation at all. No matter how badly you want it to be true, it's not. I said what I said. You all got upset. Also, the physical difference between a 2 and a 10 year old is substantially different than a 42 and 50 year old, for obvious reasons, so the point you're trying to make is completely incomparable. A baby/toddler > 5th grader is far different than an adult > adult, like, lol. And I'm sure there are 21 and 30 year-olds who could pass for each other.
You literally got personally upset over some random comment I made implying he looks good for being in an age bracket that is technically going-on-50 and made some weirdo comment about decking me, did you think I wasn't going to clap back at that catty threat? To me, you are one of those. You also don't seem to understand, this despite your age mind you, that 'several' is subjective and I personally happen to define several more literally. For me, several is anything + or - 2 from 7, so 5-9, but + or - 1 would be the most accurate, so several being 6-8. Hence, why I said that once he's 42 in 6 months, he will be several years (8) off of 50 even though if you think 9 falls within several, which I'd say it does, then he is already several years off of 50. Which is right by that logic, but you for whatever reason felt the need to dispute that and "correct me" when I didn't need correcting because that wasn't the point I was making like I already explained, which was uncalled for, so maybe you should grow up and spend your remaining time working on your attitude.

There were so many people taking what I said 100,000x more seriously than it was intended and clearly I'm not even that invested, and it was on the previous page which I didn't care to re-read for obvious reasons, so yes, I mixed you two up, they've been throwing a tantrum all day long. Anyway -- what you said reads that way. You're saying what I said is "punchable", lol, when no one asked by the way, how else am I going to read into that? I mean, look, you can get sensitively offended that 41.5-42 is factually several years off of 50 all day and night on an existential level despite triggering that reaction not being my intent at all with that comment, but it doesn't make what I'm saying untrue. And as I said, I was purposely emphasizing the 50 part to show how dramatic it is that he looks young when 50 is his next major age milestone, which is true. Which is why I didn't just say "for someone in their early 40s" because that isn't the point I was making from the start, so no I didn't screw up my articulation at all. No matter how badly you want it to be true, it's not. I said what I said. You all got upset. Also, the physical difference between a 2 and a 10 year old is substantially different than a 42 and 50 year old, for obvious reasons, so the point you're trying to make is completely incomparable. A baby/toddler > 5th grader is far different than an adult > adult, like, lol. And I'm sure there are 21 and 30 year-olds who could pass for each other.
Oh jeez, I'm not going to even bother reading the entirety of your responses, because they come across so whiny from the get go and you clearly can't take a joke at all. Also, three responses isn't "all day long", don't be dramatic and don't accuse me of threatening you either. You've got super defensive, so really, who is "triggered" here?

We haven't gotten upset at all, you clearly have though and sadly there are far too many of the likes of you in threads who hate either conversation or banter. Suck dicks, not the joy or fun out of things. Ta-ta for now, I'll go back to the one thread that does have fun and jokes and stick you on ignore :kissing_heart:
Oh jeez, I'm not going to even bother reading the entirety of your responses, because they come across so whiny from the get go and you clearly can't take a joke at all. Also, three responses isn't "all day long", don't be dramatic and don't accuse me of threatening you either. You've got super defensive, so really, who is "triggered" here?

We haven't gotten upset at all, you clearly have though and sadly there are far too many of the likes of you in threads who hate either conversation or banter. Suck dicks, not the joy or fun out of things. Ta-ta for now, I'll go back to the one thread that does have fun and jokes and stick you on ignore :kissing_heart:
Well said!
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