Compliment or Uncomfortable?

Well, this came up in “related threads.”
its 2014, pre #metoo.

What’s changed in seven years?
personally, I’ve found men will use an appearance-based compliment as an in to get (too) close, and then pop off on a rant if I a) do not respond as they expect, b) do not respond at all,
it becomes verbal direct message insults, but in real time.

I hear more women trying to model “accomplishment compliments” in front of either their male friends, or their offspring.
I hear a few more rando guys saying “I like your style” sorts of things over “hey, beautiful.”
I'd say a simple compliment like, "you look nice today" or "hey beautiful!" with a smile is fine.. but leaving a note on the car, is stalker speak for "I know what you drive"... and that translates further to "I can follow you home now if I wanted to".

No notes... and no stalking! (JK, but not really) **edit** NO FUCKING STALKING. When I posted this I had recently found a note on my car. This was a "tend and befriend" response.. I'm not friendly anymore. Fuck that shit, and FUCK whoever it was who left that note on my windshield. All these years later it's scary as fuck.

Keep it simple, and sincere.

I have evolved.

I don't want compliments on my looks. Ever. The only person I want to hear an opinion about my looks from is my man. If you're not my intimate partner, don't tell me what you think about my looks. Telling me you think I'm attractive isn't going to get my bits to tingle. It's gonna make my eyes roll.

I wasn't naive when I posted this, but I was less jaded. I had a slightly different view on life. I was more likely to smile it off and say thank you.. now I'll just ignore that bullshit.

In my mind, a random person giving me a random compliment means absolutely nothing because it's not sincere. It's just an attempt to stuff cock in me. Even though I know very well that the vast majority of the time the guy isn't literally expecting anything, I've heard enough men talk after "compliments" were given to other women. I know what the actual intentions are and what is actually in their heads.

Compliments on my looks make me cringe. When I show off here I don't require comments. Just look and shut the fuck up :imp: (the comments here don't make me cringe because of the nature of the content, when I'm fully clothed and just living life, just let me live without saying anything about what I look like.)