Congressman AARON SCHOCK

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Where's this from?
yeah i'd like to know too, how recent is this? looks like he's got some kind of scar where his love handle used to be? lol

he's a sad narcissistic creature, I think his hope is that trump will pardon him or that the court system under a trump admin will be quite lenient towards grifters like him. oddly enough what he did pales in comparison with what the big boys get away with, he was just too stupid and naive about the "rules" of stealing from your constituency. the establishment corruption doesn't like that and will smack you down for showing off too much.
yeah his attorneys got his trial relocated from his home district in central IL to a federal court in Chicago, and the Lead prosecutor has resigned from the case. (he was poking around in Schocks personal life) It's looking like he'll probably not do hard time, but all depends on the judge i guess.

Apparently Schock is going with the "fake news,__all the charges are made up,__they lied about me" defense. IANAL but it appears that he'll skate by and cut some kind of deal, i don't know who the new prosecutor is but chicago has a reputation for some badass federal prosecutors, hopefully someone will make something stick to this slimy pay to play politician. Here's a link to his home district's NPR affiliate and Chicago ABC who have done some more detailed reporting on this, if anybody really cares.

Aaron Schock: "government violated my rights," staged "cover-up"

Growing Signs That Aaron Schock Prosecution On Shaky Ground
There's another story here that claims at the time the Schocker resigned and was indicted he was hooking up with Olympic diver Tom Daley? I hadn't heard that before but i guess anything's possible, there's also some other micro details about the case in here too that's interesting. at least he hasn't been linked to the russian mob........yet......haha


His Friend Michael "Mikey Suits" Grimm Has Been Released From Prison But Aaron Schock May Soon Be On His Way There | Al-Ayham Saleh Aggregator
why do all his pics look like his head has been photoshopped on somebody else's body even though it hasn't? his head looks too small

& in this pic from above it looks werid too, he should quit the roids he's lookin old here: (and btw this doesn't look gay at all)
why do all his pics look like his head has been photoshopped on somebody else's body even though it hasn't? his head looks too small

& in this pic from above it looks werid too, he should quit the roids he's lookin old here: (and btw this doesn't look gay at all)
I mean he goes Barry's, I mean most men go to Barry's are gay...
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I mean he goes Barry's, I mean most men go to Barry's are gay...
yeah his brilliant congressional career (in addition to being indicted on 24 ethics violations, misappropriation of funds, and lying about it) was spent voting for every piece of LGBTQ hate legislation brought to the floor by his soul-less party. Dear Aaron: your narcissistic self loathing ass will burn in hell for all eternity. stay in the closet you POS you disgrace the species.

More here:
Anti-Equality Rep. Aaron Schock Resigns
He's the gayest Republican ever
yeah but he didn't figure out who's dick he needed to suck to stay in the republican closeted gay club, they kicked his ass to the curb. plus, he's too desperate for attention , gay republicans need to at least pretend to fly under the radar, he wants to be a celebrity.
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