I'm confused? Do people think he is gay because he is cute or a republican? Do people think he will marry a repressed women because he is a republican?.
I don't think he's gay because he's republican OR cute. I think he's gay because the dude is 28 and has never had a gf.
I also think the republican party has become a cliched harbor for closeted self loathing men who think they can pray away the gay. Either they think they can use the RNC and it's "values" storefront as a "beard enhancer" rendering them immune to further scrutiny or, they actually believe it will force them to abandon their bad behaviour. In either case they need to wise up, you can't put antlers on a pig and call it a moose, nobody's that naive anymore, this isn't the 50s.
the truly tradgic/amazing thing about it is they always manage to find a woman to go along with the charade, even though the woman knows in her heart it's against her better judgement from the very beginning. So yeah, i think women who marry closeted gay republican men have issues themselves, call it repressed or maybe it's a bargain they make with the devil to climb the social ladder.
If you're democratic and closeted and gay and married to a woman, I think in that case it's just a personal failing,
but to be in denial about being gay, & purposefully join ranks with the party that invented homo-hate, is just psychotic.