of course he's gay...look at his superficial bod. maybe he should spend some time reading about important things instead of being a Republican...who are responsible for the great misery of this country.
Nah, his pecs are about right.His pecs are too big and he's still a goddamned Republican.
of course he's gay...look at his superficial bod.
His pecs are too big and he's still a goddamned Republican.
Well, all of the politics aside, he's hot - damn hot! I'd do him.
That said, I'll say this about the politics - just because one identifies as Republican doesn't mean one endorses EVERY bit of supposed Republican legislation. It is entirely possible to be both gay and conservative - in fact I don't understand the confusion some people have about it. Yes, I'm gay. Yes, I'm Republican. I want LESS government, WAY WAY WAY less government. The government doesn't have a place in my personal life. Nor, does it have the right to define marriage, tell me what to eat or when or how much, redistribute my income or make me get health insurance, control education or legislate sham environmentalism.
What the government should do is operate 100% tranparently to provide for a strong defense, be aggressive in the development and maintenance of infrastructure, encourage states rights, treat all legal citizens equally, provide for those less fortunate by teaching them how to become independent and not rely on the government. The government should encourage our nation to be independent of other nations in as many ways as is possible (yes, drill baby drill) and provide accountable assistance to other nations when they are in need. That's pretty much it. I'll even get a bit more extreme and really freak some people out - in these days of fiscal crisis, I think we should defund the NEA, the EPA and the Dept of Education (education is the states' responsibility not the fed's).
Now, others may disagree and I will respectfully and passionately defend your right to do so. There's no need to attack someone else for their position. Would a true Liberal get that - wouldn't a true Liberal say, "I respect your right to have your view and while I may disagree with you, I support your freedom to think for yourself." It just very curious to me why so many on the left appear to get so worked up with those that express different points of view.
,Comments like this make me wish LPSG had a "like" button like they do on Facebook.
you intolerant libs have made my dick go limp - i thought liberals were supposed to be civil and tolerant. y'all can go jump in the lake with your hate
Wish I wasn't so small minded. Judgemental. Shallow. But I agree. A republican?Gay + Republican = no one I will listen to.