At this point, not job can give Conner the money he needs to keep his extravagant and tacky lifestyle, only gay porn can do that, well only fans gay porn that is. It's OBVIOUS that what Conner has achieved in life so far it's because desperate gay men who chase after white, blond, young, country, not educated, broken family, disturbed little boys.
Being completely honest, what does Conner has to offer other than showing his hairy pink butthole on the internet? No company would take him because of his porn past, and then again not job can cover the money Only Fans makes for him.
Conner, if you are seeing this, please give in. Give yourself entirely to gay porn and get signed with a gay porn studio, there's not going back to a normal life after Only Fans and you know it, you made a decision. Getting fucked up the ass can be such a pleasure so much for getting pay it. Add to the mix the fame you'd get, the connections, escort jobs, sugar baby hook ups, travels, you know, the luxury you so desperately want. I do believe you have what it takes to be in teenager looking boy gay porn studios. (Helix-ish studios, not Helix per se, they won't take you, but you can start the search and start somewhere).