Connor Franta (youtuber & Author)

This is so cute! (All three of you!)

Thank you for actually coming through with a photo unlike half the other posters on this website :D

You're welcome.

Now that I know how easy it was to post pics I'll post more when the topic warrants it and I'll make sure they're photos I took or am in the photo with the celebrity.
Hot and sexy wouldn’t be my own adjectives, but he is endearing and cute. Granted I didn’t read more than two pages, but I looked at his book on the cheap table at Barnes&Noble. (I’d like to point out the coffee bar letches creep out everyone.) It was not good, but I do think he’s cute and affable. As people can see from my posts, talking a lot is a poor substitute to a lucid point. Mr. Franta and the other tube-bookers didn’t have a jist, and many books aren’t obvious at the start, but they get to a point eventually. The tuber books don’t even seem to have a through point to lead you there. I only looked at the books that had pictures of people I recognized.
Absolutely true, but I do have some hope for Dan Howell's "You Will Get Through This Night." Tube-bookers need authenticity but not of the pretentious type (Connor), and trying to stretch out to deal with issues that actually matter gives some hope.
the main issue with these popular youtubers that published books is that a majority of them never intended in doing so. publishing houses realized there was a market and approached these popular youtubers and dumped a bunch of money on them to make a book. most of the books were total shit, because none of these youtubers are writers, they never had the intention of writing a book, and had to churn it out real quick to get it to the shelves.
it's like when youtube decided to start making its own original content to compete with streaming platforms and gave youtubers a bunch of money to make their own shows. but these youtubers aren't writers, producers, directors, they're not even good actors, so the shows turned out shit
I don’t think anyone really expects any kind of literary greatness from YouTuber books. They’re mainly geared towards their young, impressionable super-fans that buy merch etc. One of Connor’s books at least was useful in that he apparently divulged some stuff about his relationship with Troye, but I didn’t need to buy the book to find that out.
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This is really quite shocking from him, I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest he's not under any management now?
Gun violence? Now? Read the room.
he has a management, big frame network. it's the 3rd line in his wiki page. just because someone has a management doesn't mean they're controlled by it. youtubers post anything they want, and then if it's bad and gets backlash, management gets involved. youtube managements are more for making connections between youtubers and companies, mostly for sponsorships, not to control their social media presence