Conor mcgregor

not really. aside from my own wishes, anyone whos been around guys who do coke know they dabble into gay sex one day or another. and the peek into it is liking a gay porn vid of a guy jerking and nutting. mcgregor knows he has a huge gay following as well. i mean, look at the amount of crotch and feet video he's put out
I know plenty of straight guys that do coke and have/ would never have gay sex haha. A lot of guys are just straight and that's that. Especially hyper masculine UFC fighters. I don't think he posts the crotch and feet pics for the gay guys out there, I think he just has a huge ego
He’s literally been recorded leaving a women’s bathroom at an event years ago with security. He’s liked gay porn on Twitter, he’s not married. He constantly posts thirst traps and pics with sexy chicks. In other words 2+2=4
I'm curious what gay porn he's been liking on Twitter.
I know plenty of straight guys that do coke and have/ would never have gay sex haha. A lot of guys are just straight and that's that. Especially hyper masculine UFC fighters. I don't think he posts the crotch and feet pics for the gay guys out there, I think he just has a huge ego
you're the exception, not the rule. if both sides are true, it means its either or with McGregor also. and i can take your thoughts that he isn't gay or bi, the same way you take my thoughts that he is. the evidence is there in front of you, you can ignore if you'd like, simple
I think in person I would be disgust with his behaviour and how primitive he actually is, at least gives me that vibe, but I love when he wears suits and acts bossy. Turns me on.
It's kind of funny how dressed up he can be, yet still act like a cave man.
I dunno bout you guys but all of my straight guy friends and acquaintances would try gay sex (or at least oral) if given the chance and if they can get away with it and/or with no judgement.
We should really normalize that just because you try gay sex and enjoys it means you’re instantly gay or bi.
It doesn’t.
You can have sex with anyone you want and enjoy it but how you identify yourself doesn’t change.
I know some gay men personally who are now married and now exclusively have sex with their wives and enjoy it but still identify themselves as gays.
Same with single gay men, I personally know who prefer to have sex with women exclusively but they still identify as gays.
So yeah Conor for me definitely have tried guys, or still does and no, he doesn’t have to be gay or bi to do that.
you're the exception, not the rule. if both sides are true, it means its either or with McGregor also. and i can take your thoughts that he isn't gay or bi, the same way you take my thoughts that he is. the evidence is there in front of you, you can ignore if you'd like, simple
I find it funny that you say I'm the exception here. When in fact I would be confident in saying that the vast majority of men don't just automatically turn gay when they do coke. Coke doesn't do that to people.. it may make people more horny, but I'm sure McGregor has a whole line of world class women wanting to fuck him, so why would he want to switch to men. And this evidence you speak of, are you referencing the singular like of a gay post on twitter? That's your evidence that he's fucked men? I'll say it again, wishful thinking on your behalf mate.
I find it funny that you say I'm the exception here. When in fact I would be confident in saying that the vast majority of men don't just automatically turn gay when they do coke. Coke doesn't do that to people.. it may make people more horny, but I'm sure McGregor has a whole line of world class women wanting to fuck him, so why would he want to switch to men. And this evidence you speak of, are you referencing the singular like of a gay post on twitter? That's your evidence that he's fucked men? I'll say it again, wishful thinking on your behalf mate.
I find it funny that you find it funny. if you look back, notice how you disregarded what I said, yet I accepted what you said. Again, as confident as you are, i am as well. hence, and repeating, why both can be true and seemingly are.

with your extra words, i see you're projecting a bit of an insecurity. why does it bother you that mcgregor is most like bi and into men? figure that out on and of yourself. just because you can't understand why he would fuck guys or be into it, doesn't mean he's straight.

so, without further ado, lets get back to enjoying posts of him and just accept that both are possibly. sit down, take a few deep breaths and keep on
I find it funny that you find it funny. if you look back, notice how you disregarded what I said, yet I accepted what you said. Again, as confident as you are, i am as well. hence, and repeating, why both can be true and seemingly are.

with your extra words, i see you're projecting a bit of an insecurity. why does it bother you that mcgregor is most like bi and into men? figure that out on and of yourself. just because you can't understand why he would fuck guys or be into it, doesn't mean he's straight.

so, without further ado, lets get back to enjoying posts of him and just accept that both are possibly. sit down, take a few deep breaths and keep on
All I'm saying is that some people are just straight.. No matter how much gay guys want them to be bi or secretly gay. If you have any proof that he is bi or that he fucks men then show us that proof, otherwise don't spread lies about people in order to play into your own little fantasy.

On another note, how does any of what I've said project self insecurity? I'm openly gay, I have a bf, I'm completely comfortable with who I am and my sexuality. I would say I am a realist, who realizes that cocaine doesn't magically turn people gay, and that one singular like of a video on twitter doesn't mean he's fucked men.

Instead of spreading baseless rumors about people, maybe you should sit down, take a few deep breaths and enjoy this thread.