Corrupt A Wish

Granted, Congratz you are now a famous low level movie star of Bollywood

I wish, I never have to wash a car ever again
Granted but you are respected for the massive size of your vowel movements

we wish to be together naked in a room with a supply of Oreos
Wish granted, you're both in a hot room, naked, and are standing on little stones. If you want your supply of Oreos, you must hop on one stone to another just to reach it. However, the floor is actual lava. If you want your Oreos, you better get there before you melt. Have fun.

I wish I was the sexiest person you'll ever meet.
Wish granted, you travel in time to the stone age, then your time machine gets broken and you're stuck. :)

I wish I could read minds and talk about something that still bothers me.
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wish granted, for one entire second. in the entire planet, there was world peace, not a single bullet was fired, not a single knife stabbed, not a single mine exploded.

i wish can make anyone i want fall in love with me.
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wish granted, you are so sexy, that everyone treats you just as a sexual object without a brain, just a sexy bimbo and nobody will ever take you seriously.

i wish i could read minds

PS: is it just me, or is it more easy/fun to tear down the wishes than to think of a new one?
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