criss strokes real measurement!! 6.5 INCHES!!!

Again with some curve stuff huh? The length of your penis is how deep you can penetrate a female. From the side he is 7.5 inches so how is he larger if he measures on top? He would be smaller from the size so he is almost 7.5 cheating and less than 7 if he measured from top.

I guess you are one of those dudes who gets so upset when somebody tells you that your porn crush isn't as hung as you think. Ignoring people like you is better than arguing with you.

No point in arguing with someone as stubborn as you. You're just another lurker on lpsg with a small dick who is one of those people who probably thinks mandingo is only 8 inches lol. 1 photo of someone being measured in a state tahts not fully erect isn't really proof of anything about how big they really are. You can find others photos of him looking much longer than he is in that photo.
No point in arguing with someone as stubborn as you. You're just another lurker on lpsg with a small dick who is one of those people who probably thinks mandingo is only 8 inches lol. 1 photo of someone being measured in a state tahts not fully erect isn't really proof of anything about how big they really are. You can find others photos of him looking much longer than he is in that photo.
I have seen around here as well guys claiming with tons and tons of passion and obsession saying that mandingo is only 8 inches long, and I find it ridiculous.
Why you change subject by saying some guys said Mandingo is 8 inch ? here there a photo of criss stroke nobody is guessing something since there photos and not only one photo

Thats funny also when youshow some pics (not altered) for proove something, people still not believe it....and always have to talk in internet inch.
With the funny arguments: im 8 inch and I know hes bigger than me so he cant be 8 inch... lol

I can understand that you can be upset when someone say you lie about your own size... but hey we talk about criss stroke, you don't even know him and you defend him?... and its not really defend him since there a proof you are wrong, so its more like obssession

But there always fan boy, im sure when there will be a photo of Mandingo for exemple measure at x inch there will still alot people say no its impossible hes way bigger! because im x inch too and hes longer than mee
Show me just one guy who claims he is 8".
Besides that you ignore evidence and I find it ridiculous.
Hey man. I don't like pointing out names but you can search anywhere on the many threads there are concerning mandingo's size and you'll see how many guys claim that he's only 8 inches long. Criss strokes on the other hand has a big curve on his dick, and that has to be taken into consideration where in that picture of him being measured didn't happen. We also don't know how erect his dick was, since erection levels vary. Taking those things that I mentioned above into consideration, there is really no evidence of his real size.
Why you change subject by saying some guys said Mandingo is 8 inch ? here there a photo of criss stroke nobody is guessing something since there photos and not only one photo

Thats funny also when youshow some pics (not altered) for proove something, people still not believe it....and always have to talk in internet inch.
With the funny arguments: im 8 inch and I know hes bigger than me so he cant be 8 inch... lol

I can understand that you can be upset when someone say you lie about your own size... but hey we talk about criss stroke, you don't even know him and you defend him?... and its not really defend him since there a proof you are wrong, so its more like obssession

But there always fan boy, im sure when there will be a photo of Mandingo for exemple measure at x inch there will still alot people say no its impossible hes way bigger! because im x inch too and hes longer than mee
Hey man. I am not defending anyone, I am just stating my point realistically. For me that picture isn't proof since the big curve on his dick wasn't taken into consideration. We also don't know his erection level when he was measured. I am not a fan boy of any pornstar, since I wouldn't choose a pornstar as a fan of mine. I am simply stating what I think has to be taken into consideration before concluding that one of the big names in porn is in the 6 inch range.
Hey man. I don't like pointing out names but you can search anywhere on the many threads there are concerning mandingo's size and you'll see how many guys claim that he's only 8 inches long. Criss strokes on the other hand has a big curve on his dick, and that has to be taken into consideration where in that picture of him being measured didn't happen. We also don't know how erect his dick was, since erection levels vary. Taking those things that I mentioned above into consideration, there is really no evidence of his real size.
You obviously didn't read the whole thread. You're just talking bullshit all the time and use stupid excuses when asked for proof.
And nobody gives a damn about curves. You measure with a ruler and not with cloth tape or something like that. His name doesn't mean he's big. Look at Evan Stone, Erik Everhard. Way bigger names and really small cocks (considering porn).
Hey man. I am not defending anyone, I am just stating my point realistically. For me that picture isn't proof since the big curve on his dick wasn't taken into consideration. We also don't know his erection level when he was measured. I am not a fan boy of any pornstar, since I wouldn't choose a pornstar as a fan of mine. I am simply stating what I think has to be taken into consideration before concluding that one of the big names in porn is in the 6 inch range.

There more than only one picture of him measured, yeah you have to take in count the curve (I know, I have also an upward curve), for me, criss stroke is 7 inch at his best
And yeah 7 inch is big, its just there lot of lier on this forum and on all the internet pretending to be 7 inch, so you think 7 inch is like average when its not

John, I typed the best things on that forum ? don't make me blush please :D

Yeah I don't care that they want to believe that someone is 9 inch when hes not, but they can keep it for them and don't claim it on forumor site (like wikipedia about jonah falcon lolz) like is the true

Before I joined this forum I though all pornstars was minimum 10 inch+ because of all that false claim/ camera angle, or on forum when some "normal" persons pretending to be 8 inch or even more
That made me feel a bit insecure about my size, when im cleary not small, but If I was average or even less, I would be totaly insecure
Then i decided to do some search about penis size etc and I found that forum and that thread, and now im aware about lie, photoshop and camera angle so im less naive

But that why I hate lier about size, it can make people feel bad, also if its stupid because like lot of people said the size dont make the man... but still :D
Here is something else I noticed in the real world about penis size. A guy who is 5.5 inches which is around average will say he is 7.5. females will see him and say well he doesn't look huge and then assume 7.5 is average when clearly 7.5 is maybe 1.5 to 2.0 above average.

When I first stated watching porn in maybe the late 90s or early 2000's I thought guys like John Holmes were actually 13.5 inches or Lex and Mandingo were 11 or 12 and I would compare myself to them and think how small I am (I am about 7.5 to 8 if I am really excited). Then over time I realize what I do now. How most guys in porn are average sized. I think ex pornstar Asia Carrera was talking about how porn guys are picked for their ability to cum on cue and the ability to stay aroused around all of the people on set.

Maybe Criss Strokes at best is 7 inches if you want to include the curve. But it is pretty funny when people who try to act like he is 9 or how he is one of the top 10 biggest guys in straight porn.

In terms of length I would say in no order the top guys working now are Mandingo, Lex, Danny Dong, maybe Jack Napier and Ice Cold if he is still working. ( Well maybe Rico Strong and Welsey Pipes could be up there but because of their lack of girth they look longer).
Why are you so obsessed about the size of dicks in porn? Why do you care? You don't see gay men on sites devoted to tight pussy arguing over the width/length of vaginas in porn. Why not? Because they are not interested in pussy. For a 'straight' guy you seem pretty fixated on cock. You also seem pretty dumb and illiterate for someone goes on about his 'college education'.
There is no source for him to be listed at 7.5 inches either. People will see his measurement pictures and say well with the curve he is at least 10 inches. Or I saw him measured before and he was 10 inches, or maybe he isn't fully erect. But if he was he would be 10 inches. Or the well I am 8 inches and he looks bigger than me so he must be 10 inches.
He is listed on as 7 inches and lex steele is 9 so it seems a reliable guide.
Your studio is not really realistic either, not for all models

I just clicked on the first male member I saw... it dosnt look near 7 inch lol
Haha. I take back that but for the popular ones it seems to be better. Evan stone is 8, Jack napier is 9, Bill Bailey 7.

How big does that guy look?
The thing about Chris Strokes is that he is annoying. He has a fantastic body and a decent cock. So he exudes this arrogance, and he has just enough legitimacy to pull it off. The problem is for me how dudes like Chris Charming or Byron Long, Jake Steed, while BIGGER do not exude that sort of entitlement and attitude he does.
Lol you know this site is called large penis support group right? Also why do you care what I type about? I am interested in reading about various things. I am a member of boxing and other sport sites. I am a member of a movie and comic book site and I am a member of this site. I find it hilarious that guys lie about penis size like most females care.

I went to college? Wow I didn't know that. But you don't seem dumb you are dumb if you think people discussing penis size in a site dedicated to large penises is weird.

But instead of typing to you I think I should ignore you. Kind of like people ignore you in the real world. So I guess you can pretend to be horse hung and type to other people here who might care what you think.
What's weird is a "100% straight" man who spends all his time sizing up other men's dicks while claiming to have zero interest in cock.
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It irks me most because his selling point is get-like-me. Fantasize being me right now, and like, to step into his world as him is a step down from my actual self.
Here is something else I noticed in the real world about penis size. A guy who is 5.5 inches which is around average will say he is 7.5. females will see him and say well he doesn't look huge and then assume 7.5 is average when clearly 7.5 is maybe 1.5 to 2.0 above average.

When I first stated watching porn in maybe the late 90s or early 2000's I thought guys like John Holmes were actually 13.5 inches or Lex and Mandingo were 11 or 12 and I would compare myself to them and think how small I am (I am about 7.5 to 8 if I am really excited). Then over time I realize what I do now. How most guys in porn are average sized. I think ex pornstar Asia Carrera was talking about how porn guys are picked for their ability to cum on cue and the ability to stay aroused around all of the people on set.

Maybe Criss Strokes at best is 7 inches if you want to include the curve. But it is pretty funny when people who try to act like he is 9 or how he is one of the top 10 biggest guys in straight porn.

In terms of length I would say in no order the top guys working now are Mandingo, Lex, Danny Dong, maybe Jack Napier and Ice Cold if he is still working. ( Well maybe Rico Strong and Welsey Pipes could be up there but because of their lack of girth they look longer).

Haha man, that is a great point! Can't believe I never really thought about that.

When I was younger, and a bit smaller, I was really insecure about my size. God forbid anybody find out that I wasn't well hung.

One time, this really hot blonde chick straight up asked me "How big is your dick?" Completely caught me off guard, I didn't have time to think, I didn't wanna go too big, so I just blurted out "Eh, it's like 8 inches..."

She was not impressed with that number, I knew that this black guy had showed off his dick to her recently, it was probably like 7-8, but she probably thought it was like 9 or 10, so she said "Why do black guys have bigger dicks than white guys? It's not fair!" I didn't know how to respond to that.

I remember thinking damnit, if 8 inches isn't even an impressive number, what would she think if I told her the real number, probably between 5 and 6 at the time. Just another thing that made me feel like I had a small dick, when I really didn't.

As far as Chris Strokes, looks around 7.5 from the above picture, which, holy shit that makes me feel a lot better about my 7 inches!
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