
People here really are obsessed with our country's traditions even tho they're really messed up, like the way we celebrate new years eve. Half of the country wants a total fireworks ban and only organized firework shows, the other half buys (illegal) fireworks for millions of euro's every year resulting in injuries, people and animals with PTSD and sometimes even death. (last year a 22 year old guy died, several people, kids, are now missing limbs and eyes).

Another tradition is where white people dress up as black people, using black face paint, afro wigs and golden hoop earrings (black face), and their 'master' is a big old bearded white man. Just cringe and plain racism. Thankfully many people now see how outdated this tradition is but a small group refuses to let go of it and fight on and offline with those who are against it.

I also don't like the immigration rules we have here, there has to be a max limit, the country is high on the list of highest population density and it's only getting worse. It's shown time and time again that certain religions don't get along or accept a secular system. But this all has more to do with being part of the European Union, not with the country itself.

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I'm in the Netherlands
I can see the issue with the tradition of blacking up in the circumstances and way they're doing it, here in the UK it's not allowed to 'black up' anymore but then it's had an affect on other small traditions like here in Cornwall there's been long traditions of Morris Dancers etc blacking up for certain dances and plays which are to represent miners coming up from the pit after a day's work underground, not trying to mimic black skin or wearing wigs or jewellery. Unfortunately the woke brigade have interfered and decided they shouldn't be allowed to do that when it's obvious they're not being racist, sometimes things go too far imo x