Its just insane to me. Damien is like...Ally Supreme. He seems to typically go out of his way to be as inclusive and non-offensive as possible. Like he's even teased about this often on Smosh by his castmates/friends.
It just astounds me that someone who makes his life revolve around being extremely I guess "Woke" is the quickest way to explain, is getting all this crap (well on Twitter anyway) Like damn you really have to be the most perfect person to exist and never make a mistake in your life, lest you be shamed. He made a mistake 5 YEARS AGO. Like I went back and saw it and it was the briefest mention of the situation ever. Didn't even make like one side was right kinda thing, just acknowledged its existence. Again, 5 years ago. A whole ass president ago.
And yeah I guess maybe Damien wasn't super mature in the situation, but like he had a point. She can't sit there and act like she didn't know what she was doing. She publicly called him out for everyone to see. I just feel bad for him because like out of 100 good things he's done, this one bad thing stands out and he gets shit on for it. She can't act like a victim when she publicly called him out, so he publicly defended himself.
And don't get me twisted, I'm honestly not much of a Damien fan. While I do agree with most of his views, I just never like people who make most of their identity about politics and constantly talk about it. Like Shayne, Courtney, Arasha, Amanda, Tommy, Spencer etc most likely have very similar progressive views as Damien, but they don't make it their whole thing, well maybe Courtney to an extent but thats usually just Pro Gay sweaters. I just think Damien is hot and would totally smash. But yeah while I don't personally like him too much, this BS he's getting is just flabbergasting.