Daniel Greene (book Youtuber)

Daniel admits it was an affair. They had been communicating and becoming emotional involved before they agreed to meet and have have sex.

Naomi’s gender is only relevant in that from the interactions Naomi appears to be using the fact that they identify as nonbinary to convince Daniel that it fits the hall pass criteria.

I think the more disturbing issue is that based on the video and receipts Daniel posted this morning, it seems Naomi’s recanting the accusations and apology were completely fake and Naomi was planning to keep the false accusations and attacks going through surrogates. One of whom took issue with how false claims of SA hurt and diminish the struggles of real victims and provide Daniel with correspondence showing Naomi was still working to slander him and his wife.

The only thing that’s really relevant is that Daniel and Naomi had a consensual affair not an assault as Naomi claimed. Everything else is between a husband and wife to decide if it’s something the can get over.