Normal is fine but they are lacking for a show of this nature. No one wants to see just a regular guys and girls.
I undeerstand,but thats my point.

For me these guys are not regular at all.Their dicks are big enough even when flaccid,and i dont think the production choose the guys based on the size of their cocks.

Maybe in season 1,because 95% of the contestants had only fans.In this Season so far,only two have It.
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Man sollte hier wirklich mal festhalten, wie unglaublich wohl muss er sich fühlen nackt Interviews zu geben. Also augenscheinlich liebt er es ja förmlich dort beim Interview zu sitzen seinen Schwanz zu präsentieren und sich in den unterschiedlichsten Posen hinzusetzen.


You should really record here, how incredibly comfortable he must feel to give interviews naked. So apparently he literally loves to sit there during the interview, to present his cock and to sit down in a wide variety of poses.


Marc ist leider der Einzige unbeschnittene, der gelegentlich seine blanke Eichel präsentiert. Doch er zieht es nicht konsequent durch, oft ist seine Eichel bedeckt oder nicht vollständig freigelegt. Er müsste noch konsequenter sein. Vielleicht rutscht die Vorhaut zu schnell zurück, aber immerhin gibt er uns als Zuschauer wenigstens die Möglichkeit, seine blanke Eichel zu begutachten. Die anderen sollten verpflichtet werden, ebenfalls ständig ihre blanke Eichel zu zeigen.


Marc is unfortunately the only uncut one who occasionally presents his exposed glans. However, he doesn’t do it consistently, and his glans is often covered or not fully exposed. He needs to be more consistent. Perhaps his foreskin slips back too quickly, but at least he gives us, the viewers, the opportunity to inspect his exposed glans. The others should be required to constantly show their exposed glans as well.
Are there videos about Marc?