I've also noticed how much they're covering up using towels this season, but considering the bizarre censoring of what only looks like semis and not erections maybe they've been asked by the production? They cover up when they're sat down, which was when we got the most glorious manspreading and hole shots last season. It's a real shame cause those were my most favourite moments.
In einer nackten Dating-Show muss das Bedecken des Schwanzes verboten sein. Die Teilnehmer müssen vollständig entblößt sein, um Ehrlichkeit und Authentizität zu gewährleisten. Andernfalls wird die Transparenz des Formats untergraben und das Publikum fühlt sich betrogen. Wer ist der selben Meinung?

In a naked dating show, covering the penis must be prohibited. Participants must be fully exposed to ensure honesty and authenticity. Otherwise, the transparency of the format is compromised, and the audience feels cheated. Who agrees?
Me, the one guy even put a hat over his penis and Mario took it off. It’s like they’re scared to be naked on a naked dating show lol.
Do we have a thread for Dating Naked UK? Glad to hear it's uncensored. The American version before was nice but censored.
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