I've also noticed how much they're covering up using towels this season, but considering the bizarre censoring of what only looks like semis and not erections maybe they've been asked by the production? They cover up when they're sat down, which was when we got the most glorious manspreading and hole shots last season. It's a real shame cause those were my most favourite moments.

agree. too much towel covering this season which defies the whole purpose of the show. plus the individual cam views (where they're sat and talking to the camera) seems to have the camera set slightly higher than full peen view unlike the first season they went cropped and then wide to be able to capture it all. but i think the thing that was most surprising to me though was that clothed party they had in one of the earlier episodes...and it seems like there will be another clothed yacht party in the upcoming episodes.

and to a certain degree this season seems kinda boring...like i wished they had those challenges like the first season. hope they do announce a 3rd season regardless though haha.